I am using infragistics Ultra grid, so i am not sure if this is infragistics, LLBL or me?
I have an UltraGrid that has Employee's phoneNumber. i have the following as data source
UltraGrid.DataSource = EmpPhoneList;
----> This is EmpPhone Entity Collection for selected employee
(EmpPhoneGuid is the PK). This Ultragrid has 3 columns
EmpPhoneGUID (Cell=0), PhoneType (This is a drop down,Cell =1), Number (Cell =2)
User can change the Phone Type column on the UltraGrid from the drop down. for some Weird reason i get different EmpPhoneGUID from the active row.
Following is the code on the CellListSelect action (when user selects phoene type drop down). Lest assume the user changed the first row on the DataDrid (Index =0)
EmpPhone _ep =new EmpPhone();
_ep= (EmpPhone)EmpPhoneList[UltraGrid.ActiveRow.Index];
1) MessageBox.Show(_ep.EmpPhoneGUID.ToString()); -----> shows "XYZ....."
2) MessageBox.Show(UltraGrid.ActiveRow.Index); -----> shows "0"
3) MessageBox.Show(UltraGrid.ActiveRow.Cell[0].Value.ToString()); -----> shows "ABC..."
Why is my No 1 different than No 3? even though the active row index shows 0? for some reason my no 1 gets the EmpPhoneGUID from the other rows...its random.
so when i select the fourth row (Index =3) my No 1 statement has EmpPhoneGUid from Index 1.??
Any Thoughts?