NAnt Task For LLBLGen

Posts: 224
Joined: 31-Jan-2005
# Posted on: 11-Feb-2006 00:30:53   

I'm contemplating writing an NAnt task for LLBLGen that would run at the end of a generation. I know there is already a compiler there, but with NAnt you could set it up to do anything you can do with NAnt.

Basically, I would make it so that this task could generate the build file for you and then run that build file. I'd probably steal Frans' idea of placing comment areas in the build file that define user area build code so that if the task runs into those comment areas, it won't overwrite any other things you had placed in the build file.

Would that be something anyone would be interested in?

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 11-Feb-2006 12:20:35   

Sounds very interesting!

In v2, adding additional tasks to your generation process will be very easy, like finalbuilder, so these kind of things are setup in a breeze so the idea you have is very interesting simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro