I don't see any claim that such a template would be included
I may have very well misinterpreted! From the 1st link,
Entity's InitClass methods will be split up into an include template pretty soon which will make it possible to 'inject' code at instantiation time for an entity which then allows to create an instance of a concurrencypredicatefactory class without worries.
From the 2nd link,
The init method of the class doesn't yet include an include template, which should be the case. This is added soon.
I thought by those statements that there would be an include template where we could put custom code that would be executed during object construction. So, there I could assign ConcurrencyPredicateFactoryToUse to my implementation of IConcurrencyPredicateFactory.
also because it's very application specific so not really an option for a template for us to ship with llblgen pro, you have write that little template yourself
If that include template did exist, I'd just imagine it to be blank by default, and then we could customize with whatever code we wanted. In my case, it would have been something like
this.ConcurrencyPredicateFactoryToUse = FooConcurrencyPredicateFactory.Instance;
You should use the last post in the second thread you posted to get started. Did you try that and run into a problem somewhere? If so, could you elaborate a bit what the problem was?
I didn't want to go with the solution in that 2nd thread because it seems to require that I use the factory method instead of class constructors. e.g., instead of "new FooEntity()", I'd have to use "GeneralEntityFactory.Create(EntityType.FooEntity)". More importantly, I don't know how to apply custom factories when I read in an object graph using prefetch paths.