Generating test data

Posts: 268
Joined: 08-Dec-2003
# Posted on: 20-Feb-2004 11:40:38   

How do others do this. I've created a test db, populated it with sample data but I wondering if there is a tool (preferably free or near to it) that generates a small set of sample data to test against. Even if I could create a simple script that will take the data I have already entered, and generate a sp to recreate it and/or delete it would be great. Can someone point me in the right direction? thanks.

bertcord avatar
Posts: 206
Joined: 01-Dec-2003
# Posted on: 20-Feb-2004 16:02:04   

For sample data I use northwind. If I need saple data of a custom app I am wokring on I jsut set the data up and then make a backup of the database. Then when I wnat to test again I just restore the DB.
