So called lpt templates might be what you're looking for.
From the SDK manual:
".lpt templates are templates written in VB.NET or C# which are parsed and executed by the DotNetTemplateEngine task performer and which result in whatever output is formulated in the templates. As with TDL templates, Lpt (LLBLGen Pro Template) templates are also defined in template sets. For now, these template set config files have to be stored in the drivers<driver of choice>\templates folder. TDL is the language of choice for the templates which are used to generate the code build on top of the LLBLGen Pro runtime libraries, but .lpt templates are preferred when it it comes to code generation which requires access to the complete project contents and for code generation tasks for which TDL is too limited. TDL though is powerful with its simplicity: a single statement can represent a lot of logic, logic which would otherwise require a lot of code inside the templates. So if you want fine-grained control, .lpt templates are for you, but at the same time it might require more code to write inside the templates and because of the lower-levelness of the template logic, it might also result in more time being spend on debugging the templates. A facility is build in the DotNetTemplateEngine to make debugging easy. "
You could also opt for writing your own plugins or taskperformers.