MVP Summit and support

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 25-Sep-2005 15:40:08   

As some of you might know, I'm a C# MVP and I'll be in Seattle next week (Tue sep 27th - Sun oct 2nd) for the MVP global summit at Microsoft HQ. simple_smile

I'll bring my laptop and will check the forums from time to time but I won't be around for 100% support tasks during this period.

Luckily we now have an excellent Support Team in place which you might already have met in the past month, and I'm confident they'll do a splendid job in the support department while I'm away.

So, if everything goes as planned, you won't even know I'm not here. wink If you're an MVP and also attending the MVP global summit next week, I might run into you and we can have a beer simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Posts: 147
Joined: 22-Aug-2005
# Posted on: 27-Sep-2005 04:34:52   


Enjoy your trip to Redmond. If you get a free evening, take an Argosy dinner cruise out in the Sound or on Lake Washington; it's worth the price of admission!

Now I'm thinking of fresh Alaskan Salmon and Yakama cherries and Tillimok cheese. I need to get back to Seattle...

We'll try to hold down the fort while your away.

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 27-Sep-2005 06:53:49   

Paul.Lewis wrote:


Enjoy your trip to Redmond. If you get a free evening, take an Argosy dinner cruise out in the Sound or on Lake Washington; it's worth the price of admission!

Thanks for the tip! simple_smile

I'm not sure we have a night off. it's packed with activities, you have to get up at 6am to be able to get breakfast because the sessions start at 8:30! (and I'm so fond of early mornings wink )

Now I'm thinking of fresh Alaskan Salmon and Yakama cherries and Tillimok cheese. I need to get back to Seattle... We'll try to hold down the fort while your away.

I'm sure you all will do a great job simple_smile . I'm sure I have a minute here and there, so I'll check if there are major probs but I'm sure it will be ok simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 03-Oct-2005 11:16:54   

Ok, I'm back! simple_smile

Summit was awesome. Can't say anything about the content (NDA), other than about stuff that's already in the open, like DLinq. I wrote during the DLinq demo, the same code in LLBLGen Pro 1.0.2005.1, with even fewer lines of code hehe simple_smile

So, I'm not worried at all, and neither should you, it will be (or is already, if you're using the beta) in your hands maybe as soon as next week!

Today I'll browse all open threads and will gather all bugs reported on the beta to get them fixed a.s.a.p.

Thanks to the support team for their wonderful job while I was away simple_smile .

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro