I'm evaluating LLBLGen Pro and am extraordinarily impressed with it so far. It appears to be quite polished, and it is easy to get started doing real code with it.
I'm using the self-servicing, two-class mechanism. There is a certain pattern I want to employ with my entities and collections. Briefly, I want a properties interface generated for each entity, i.e. IEntityProperties, which exposes all of the entity's fields as read-only .net properties. The EntityBases would implement that interface; they would also know now to set their properties from an instance of that interface - i.e. EntityBase.CopyProperties(IEntityProperties source).
I've tested the approach by hand-coding an IEntityProperties interface and tweaking the corresponding EntityBase. Everything seems to work. And I've waded through the .template and .config files to have a sense of what I'd need to do to get these new files to be generated and to tweak the existing templates.
What I'm wondering is if there's anything in the demo version that would keep me from going all the way and testing this out completely. I realize I don't have the SDK or docs, nor do I have the template studio. However, this pattern is important enough to me that I want to make sure I understand all these subtleties before I go ahead and purchase the product.