Where to Put Business Logic

Posts: 77
Joined: 16-Sep-2005
# Posted on: 17-Sep-2005 16:03:36   

More questions trying to get this methodology of development sorted out in my head simple_smile

Reading the documentation, the section 'Extending the Framework' explains the work required to inherit from one of the generated entity classes.

We ussually build fairly rich/robust business objects, that require methods and properties beyond just the basic persistence fields generated through database mapping step. So from my persspective, almost every entity will require custom properties and methods.

Is there a way in the designer to automatically extend each entity class, providing us with a place to put our own custom code?

Where are people putting their 'business logic'?

If you have a method that is to retrieve 'All orders, and related customer objects, where the order date is greater than ? (date parameter)', where are you putting this code?

Are there spots in the generated classes for putting your own code that does not get generated over?

Do you inherit each base entity, doing all the fixes by hand that the documentation illustrates?

Do you write a 'service layer' of entity objects, that just uses the generated objects to do the actual work, essentially you would have 2 sets of domain objects in this case?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts. I am just trying to get my head around how to organize my code when using this generated class / o/r mapping approach, which is a little mind bending at first to grasp compared to the old hand coding methodologies?

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 17-Sep-2005 16:23:43   

Do you mind if I move this thread to the Architecture forum, as in that forum these kind of discussions are held on a regular basis simple_smile ?

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Posts: 77
Joined: 16-Sep-2005
# Posted on: 17-Sep-2005 19:06:39   

My mistake. Sorry about that.

Fishy avatar
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# Posted on: 20-Sep-2005 16:44:14   

There are quite a few threads on what your asking. CHeck out http://www.llblgen.com/tinyforum/Messages.aspx?ThreadID=2467