TypedViews vs TypedLists

Posts: 56
Joined: 14-Sep-2005
# Posted on: 14-Sep-2005 23:00:20   

As a general guide, when is it best to use typedviews vs typedlists? I am starting a new project and am a little cloudy about where its best to place these things as it seems like they have pretty much the same result.

Thanks Matt

Posts: 147
Joined: 22-Aug-2005
# Posted on: 15-Sep-2005 05:09:17   

The following quote is from the LLBLGen User Manual:

Concepts - Entities, Typed lists and Typed views

If you're using the view data in a read-only fashion, it is recommended to use the TypedView object, as it contains less overhead for bulk fetches, and can be somewhat faster in bulk-fetch scenario's.

I guess that says it all.