Just thought you'd like to know you got listed as one of three O/R Mappers in an article posted on ASP.NET. There's the article:
...and your blog even got mentioned.
Yeah I saw that one . They misspelled the name though.
teehee...sorry about that There's another, far more embarrassing typo in that article.
karl wrote: teehee...sorry about that There's another, far more embarrassing typo in that article. Karl
karl wrote:
teehee...sorry about that There's another, far more embarrassing typo in that article. Karl
Which typo do you mean? (I haven't RTFA )
hahhaha...I can't believe I'll admit this...but I say "demoralizing" instead of "denormalizing"
stupid MS Word!!
karl wrote: hahhaha...I can't believe I'll admit this...but I say "demoralizing" instead of "denormalizing" stupid MS Word!!
LOL , now some denormalization results can be demoralizing, I can tell you!