5.11.4 Hotfix code generation has errors

Posts: 85
Joined: 09-Feb-2020
# Posted on: 10-Jan-2025 18:43:53   

Using the 5.11.4 Hotfix from Jan 10. Save LlblGen project that I attached to my Helpdesk ticket.

Generated VB code won't compile. Has the following two errors:

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error   BC30057 Too many arguments to 'Protected Overloads Sub New(entityName As String)'.  CAData.ORM  C:\Users\User\Desktop\DevRepos\CACCMIS\2023Redo\Code\Framework\CAData\ORM\Code\FactoryClasses\EntityFactories.vb    36  Active
Error   BC30456 'SetWrappedPlainSQLQuerySpecification' is not a member of 'DataSource(Of T As Class)'.  CAData.ORM  C:\Users\User\Desktop\DevRepos\CACCMIS\2023Redo\Code\Framework\CAData\ORM\Code\HelperClasses\LinqMetaData.vb    73  Active
Posts: 85
Joined: 09-Feb-2020
# Posted on: 10-Jan-2025 19:19:47   

Fixed, although not sure how. I had to remove the LlblGen project from my VS project, then re-add it. Now seems OK.

Edit: I do know how. I had to use the updated 5.11.4 references in my main project.

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 11-Jan-2025 09:14:04   

timbered wrote:

Fixed, although not sure how. I had to remove the LlblGen project from my VS project, then re-add it. Now seems OK.

Edit: I do know how. I had to use the updated 5.11.4 references in my main project.

If you generate code with 5.11 instead of 5.8 you need to reference the 5.11 assemblies. The issue with the inheritance entity was fixed in the Firebird DQE which is in the 5.11.4 hotfix version

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro