Remove 1:N Table Relationships on LLBLGen v5.9.1

Posts: 14
Joined: 17-Oct-2017
# Posted on: 27-May-2024 10:15:05   

Hi Team,

Our customer ID: 19501

Fyi: Using LLBLGen v5.9.1, generated target fw is net standard and database Oracle12C, also TypeConverter version is 5.9.1

We used to "hide" option to reduce big size entities, but currently there is no hide option on LLBLGen 5.9.1. I see that there is a remove property instead.

The entity (AvSabitVeri) of the table we use for enum purposes on application reaches a big size now and we used to manage the process by using "Toggle Hide Flag On Selected Relation(s) From This Side" in older versions. But now we couldn't find this option and if we use the 'Delete' option, it removes the relations on both sides. This is not suitable for us. Our main aim is to reduce AvSabitVeri entity size, so we want to remove 1:n relations.

For example; AvSabitVeri is our table that contains enum values and other table is related with this name AvYerelSart. AvYerelSart has a foreign key to AvSabitVeri, so this relationship is necessary for us but there is no need to keep and generate m:1 relationship to AvSabitVeri to AvYerelSart.

Also we examined this post but we didn't understand how to move forward.

Walaa avatar
Support Team
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Joined: 21-Aug-2005
# Posted on: 27-May-2024 21:02:18   

You need to remove the corresponding Navigator not the relation.

Removing the Navigator on one side doesn't affect the Navigator from the other side.

Posts: 14
Joined: 17-Oct-2017
# Posted on: 03-Jun-2024 13:11:51   

Thank you Walaa our problem solved with Navigator panel.