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Problem to convert Mysql Query to Queryspecs
Joined: 20-Nov-2019
Hi, i'll try to learn how to use queryspecs, but I have a problem to convert MySQL to QuerySpecs, someone con help me to go to correct way.
Here de SQL
SELECT a.botiga_codi,
(SELECT ap.preu_cost * al.quantitat
FROM article_preucost ap
WHERE al.article_codi = ap.article_codi
AND a.data_venda >= ap.data_canvi
ORDER BY ap.data_canvi DESC
LIMIT 1) AS import_cost
FROM albara_venda a
INNER JOIN albara_venda_lin al ON al.albara_venda_id = a.id
I try this
QueryFactory qf = new QueryFactory();
DynamicQuery<EstadistiquesVendaBotiguesEntity> q = qf.Create()
.Select(() => new EstadistiquesVendaBotiguesEntity
BotigaCodi = AlbaraVendaFields.BotigaCodi.ToValue<short>(),
ImportCost = qf.ArticlePreucost.CorrelatedOver(ArticlePreucostFields.ArticleCodi == AlbaraVendaLinFields.ArticleCodi)
.Select(() => new { ImportCost=ArticlePreucostFields.PreuCost.ToValue<decimal>() })
.Where(AlbaraVendaFields.DataVenda >= ArticlePreucostFields.DataCanvi)
With this code I have an error that cannon convert an "anonymous decimal" type to decimal.
I dont know if this queryspecs is the correct way to the result that I want in MySQL
Please any can help or have info about query specs, I'm reading the documentation section, but I don't find the solution, well I preferrer to understand how to do it, for future problems like this
Select(() => new { ImportCost=ArticlePreucostFields.PreuCost.ToValue<decimal>() })
doesn't reflect what you have in the SQL query: SELECT ap.preu_cost * al.quantitat
Also, the error you're mentioning, where exactly is that coming from? From the database, or the compiler or in our runtime? Additionally, the SQL query projects fields from albara_venda, but you return EstadistiquesVendaBotiguesEntity instances, that likely doesn't match either?
I think the problem is that you return an anonymous type from the nested query. So you don't need to project it into an object if ImportCost
in EstadistiquesVendaBotiguesEntity
is a decimal.
I think also the nested select should contain a multiply between preu_cost and quantitat, so the query will become:
QueryFactory qf = new QueryFactory();
DynamicQuery<EstadistiquesVendaBotiguesEntity> q = qf.Create()
.Select(() => new EstadistiquesVendaBotiguesEntity
BotigaCodi = AlbaraVendaFields.BotigaCodi.ToValue<short>(),
ImportCost = qf.ArticlePreucost.CorrelatedOver(ArticlePreucostFields.ArticleCodi == AlbaraVendaLinFields.ArticleCodi)
.Select(ArticlePreucostFields.PreuCost * ArticlePreucostFields.Quantitat)
.Where(AlbaraVendaFields.DataVenda >= ArticlePreucostFields.DataCanvi)
E.g. in an example:
using(var adapter = new DataAccessAdapter())
var qf = new QueryFactory();
var q = qf.Create()
.Select(() => new
OrderId = OrderFields.OrderId.ToValue<int>(),
Total = qf.OrderDetail.CorrelatedOver(OrderFields.OrderId==OrderDetailFields.OrderId)
.Select(()=> new
TotalO = (OrderDetailFields.Quantity * OrderDetailFields.UnitPrice).ToValue<decimal>()
var results = adapter.FetchQuery(q);
'Total' in the outside resultset isn't a decimal, it's an anonymous type with 1 field, 'TotalO', of type decimal, due to the nested query returning an anonymous type with 1 field, not a decimal
Joined: 20-Nov-2019
Hi Otis, I'll try your solution with no luck
EstadistiquesVendaBotiguesEntity es a fake entity to make projection, need to put the result of projection in this class
public class EstadistiquesVendaBotiguesEntity : EstadistiquesVendaCabEntity
public string DataCobroIni { get; set; }
public string DataCobroFin { get; set; }
public string HoraCobroIni { get; set; }
public string HoraCobroFin { get; set; }
public short BotigaCodi { get; set; }
public string BotigaNom { get; set; }
public class EstadistiquesVendaCabEntity
public decimal Marge
decimal _marge;
if (CalculMarge == 0)
//Marge sobre Cost
_marge = ImportCost == 0 ? 0 : Math.Round((ImportTotal - ImportCost) * 100 / ImportCost, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
//Marge sobre Venda
_marge = 0;
return _marge;
public int Operacions { get; set; }
public decimal ImportTotal { get; set; }
public decimal ImportTotalImpost { get; set; }
public decimal ImportDescompte { get; set; }
public decimal ImportDescompteImpost { get; set; }
//public decimal ImportPendent { get; set; }
public decimal ImportCost { get; set; }
public decimal ImportAbono { get; set; }
public decimal ImportAbonoImpost { get; set; }
public short CalculMarge { get; set; }
To obtain the same MySQL Command that I posted, maybe nested query is not the best solution or correct solution
I think is impossible to do with nested query, because we need relation between two selects
Is not possible to reacrete this MySQL with queryspec??
SELECT a.botiga_codi,
(SELECT ap.preu_cost * al.quantitat
FROM article_preucost ap
WHERE al.article_codi = ap.article_codi AND a.data_venda >= ap.data_canvi
ORDER BY ap.data_canvi desc
FROM albara_venda a
INNER JOIN albara_venda_lin al ON al.albara_venda_id = a.id
at this moment I'll use this, is not the correct solution
var result = db.Adapter.FetchQuery<EstadistiquesVendaBotiguesEntity>("SELECT a.botiga_codi AS BotigaCodi, (SELECT ap.preu_cost * al.quantitat FROM article_preucost ap WHERE al.article_codi = ap.article_codi AND a.data_venda >= ap.data_canvi ORDER BY ap.data_canvi desc LIMIT 1) AS ImportCost FROM albara_venda a INNER JOIN albara_venda_lin al ON al.albara_venda_id = a.id");
The code sample provided by Otis should map to your SQL query.
So when you say you have tried it with no luck, would you like to explain the outcome?
The error in your original message comes from the following:
ImportCost = qf.ArticlePreucost.CorrelatedOver(ArticlePreucostFields.ArticleCodi == AlbaraVendaLinFields.ArticleCodi)
.Select(() => new { ImportCost=ArticlePreucostFields.PreuCost.ToValue<decimal>() })
.Where(AlbaraVendaFields.DataVenda >= ArticlePreucostFields.DataCanvi)
Import Cost is a decimal field, and the query assigned to it is not returning a decimal type, it's returning an anonymous type .Select(() => new), which has one decimal field.
Joined: 20-Nov-2019
Hi Walaa
At first thankyou for support, here the test code that I user based on Otis sample
using (var adapter = new DataAccessAdapter())
var qf = new QueryFactory();
var q = qf.Create()
.Select(() => new
OrderId = AlbaraVendaFields.BotigaCodi.ToValue<int>(),
Total = qf.AlbaraVendaLin.CorrelatedOver(AlbaraVendaFields.Id == AlbaraVendaLinFields.AlbaraVendaId)
.Select(() => new
TotalO = (AlbaraVendaLinFields.Quantitat * ArticlePreucostFields.PreuCost).ToValue<decimal>()
}).From(qf.ArticlePreucost).Where(AlbaraVendaFields.DataVenda >= ArticlePreucostFields.DataCanvi)
var results = adapter.FetchQuery(q);
On compile, no error, all ok
When execute
SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.ORMQueryExecutionException: 'An exception was caught during the execution of a retrieval query: Unknown column 'albara_venda_lin.quantitat' in 'field list'. Check InnerException, QueryExecuted and Parameters of this exception to examine the cause of this exception.'
Two query sended to server
SELECT `albara_venda`.`botiga_codi` AS `BotigaCodi`,
1 AS `LLBLV_2`,
`albara_venda`.`id` AS `Id`
FROM (`albara_venda`
INNER JOIN `albara_venda_lin` ON `albara_venda`.`id`=`albara_venda_lin`.`albara_venda_id`)
SELECT (`albara_venda_lin`.`quantitat` * `article_preucost`.`preu_cost`) AS `LLBLV_3`,
`albara_venda_lin`.`albara_venda_id` AS `AlbaraVendaId`
(SELECT `article_preucost`.`article_codi` AS `ArticleCodi`,
`article_preucost`.`data_canvi` AS `DataCanvi`,
`article_preucost`.`id` AS `Id`,
`article_preucost`.`preu_cost` AS `PreuCost`
FROM `article_preucost`) `LPA_L1`
WHERE ((`albara_venda`.`data_venda` >= `article_preucost`.`data_canvi`)
AND (`albara_venda_lin`.`albara_venda_id` IN (94,
ORDER BY `article_preucost`.`data_canvi` DESC
Second generated the error excepcion
The Query that I want to repoduce in ORM have three tables: - AlbaraVenda (Order) - AlbaraVendaLin (OrderDetails) - ArticlePreuCost (Price)
For design database we need to find the price on (ArticlePreuCost) based on date on (Order.data_venda) greater or igual than date on (ArticlePreuCost.data_canvi) and relation (ArticlePreuCost.productcode) iqual (OrdersDetails.productcode), finally the quantity on (OrderDetails)
Sorry for my English explanation
Best regards
You have AlbaraVendaLinFields.Quantitat
in the TotalO nested query but it's not in the FROM clause, you have to join that table with ArticlePreucost as you can see in the second SQL query you posted