I've recently wired up the profiler (using InterceptorCore.Initialize) in my winforms and server apps, and that is working great. I'm using the profiler GUI and see the SQL commands coming through, etc. However, I've tried to profile my ASP.NET app as shown in the docs, but it does not work. I don't see any exceptions; it just doesn't emit anything to the profiler GUI. This is all on my dev machine (IIS/SQL/ORMProfiler).
What am I missing? How do I troubleshoot this?
LLBLGen Pro v5.8 (LLBLGen Pro Runtime, SQL Server, Adapter)
ASP.NET webforms project using .NET Framework 4.8
<package id="SD.Tools.Algorithmia" version="1.3.6" targetFramework="net48" />
<package id="SD.Tools.BCLExtensions" version="1.2.2" targetFramework="net48" />
<package id="SD.Tools.OrmProfiler.Interceptor.NetFull" version="2.0.3" targetFramework="net48" />
web.config (under <appSettings>):
<add key="ORMProfilerEnabled" value="true"/>
public class Global : HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)