Posts: 394
Joined: 15-Dec-2006
Joined: 15-Dec-2006
# Posted on: 20-Oct-2020 23:42:31
We are exploring LLBL and Oracle 11.2
When we add a single Result set from a Stored Procedure (that's all) and attempt to generate the code, a long set of errors appears.
See screen shots.
Are we missing something fundamental about LLBL, EF 6 and Oracle ? (this is our first attempt coming from the SQL Server world)
Filename | File size | Added on | Approval |
2020-10-20_14-40-44.jpg | 139,284 | 20-Oct-2020 23:42.39 | Approved |
2020-10-20_14-41-23.jpg | 34,253 | 20-Oct-2020 23:42.45 | Approved |
Posts: 394
Joined: 15-Dec-2006
Joined: 15-Dec-2006
# Posted on: 20-Oct-2020 23:43:01
More screenshots
Filename | File size | Added on | Approval |
2020-10-20_14-42-07.jpg | 446,150 | 20-Oct-2020 23:43.09 | Approved |
Posts: 394
Joined: 15-Dec-2006
Joined: 15-Dec-2006
# Posted on: 20-Oct-2020 23:50:51
Project Validation::Project 'WDF_Test3' validation started on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 2:50:13 PM Project Validation::Project 'WDF_Test3' validation completed on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 2:50:13 PM. SD.EntityFramework.v6 (DbContext API)::Executing task group for database: Oracle (ODP.NET) (A8034CB0-319D-4cdd-BC7D-1E7CFDBA3B74). Generate Entity Framework Domain model with POCO entities (SD.Tasks.Base.GenericTaskGroup)::Executing task group for database: Oracle (ODP.NET) (A8034CB0-319D-4cdd-BC7D-1E7CFDBA3B74). Generate AssemblyInfo class (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Executing task. Generate AssemblyInfo class (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Using class 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.DotNetTemplateEngine' in assembly 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.dll'. DotNetTemplateEngine::Could not find template 'SD_EF_AssemblyInfo'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE) SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate::Execution task done. Generate Entity Classes (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Executing task. Generate Entity Classes (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Using class 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.DotNetTemplateEngine' in assembly 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.dll'. DotNetTemplateEngine::Could not find template 'SD_EF_DbContext_Entity'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE) SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate::Execution task done. Generate ValueType Classes (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Executing task. Generate ValueType Classes (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Using class 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.DotNetTemplateEngine' in assembly 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.dll'. DotNetTemplateEngine::Could not find template 'SD_EF_POCO_ValueType'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE) SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate::Execution task done. Generate TypedListRow Classes (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Executing task. Generate TypedListRow Classes (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Using class 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.DotNetTemplateEngine' in assembly 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.dll'. DotNetTemplateEngine::Could not find template 'SD_EF_TypedList'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE) SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate::Execution task done. Generate TypedViewRow Classes (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Executing task. Generate TypedViewRow Classes (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Using class 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.DotNetTemplateEngine' in assembly 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.dll'. DotNetTemplateEngine::Could not find template 'SD_EF_POCO_TypedView'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE) SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate::Execution task done. Generate CommonEntityBase Class (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Executing task. Generate CommonEntityBase Class (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Using class 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.DotNetTemplateEngine' in assembly 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.dll'. DotNetTemplateEngine::Could not find template 'SD_EF_DbContext_CommonEntityBase'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE) SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate::Execution task done. Generate CommonValueTypeBase Class (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Executing task. Generate CommonValueTypeBase Class (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Using class 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.DotNetTemplateEngine' in assembly 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.dll'. DotNetTemplateEngine::Could not find template 'SD_EF_POCO_CommonValueTypeBase'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE) SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate::Execution task done. Generate CommonTypedViewRowBase Class (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Executing task. Generate CommonTypedViewRowBase Class (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Using class 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.DotNetTemplateEngine' in assembly 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.dll'. DotNetTemplateEngine::Could not find template 'SD_EF_POCO_CommonTypedViewBase'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE) SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate::Execution task done. Generate VS.NET project file (SD.Tasks.Base.GenerateVSNetProject)::Executing task. Generate VS.NET project file (SD.Tasks.Base.GenerateVSNetProject)::Using class 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.TaskPerformers.ProjectFileCreator' in assembly 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.TaskPerformers.dll'. ProjectFileCreator::Could not find template 'SD_EF_POCO_Model_VsNet'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE) SD.Tasks.Base.GenerateVSNetProject::Execution task done. SD.Tasks.Base.GenericTaskGroup::Execution task group for DriverID 'A8034CB0-319D-4cdd-BC7D-1E7CFDBA3B74' done. Generate Entity Framework Database specific code and mapping file using DbContext API and POCO entities (SD.Tasks.Base.GenericTaskGroup)::Executing task group for database: Oracle (ODP.NET) (A8034CB0-319D-4cdd-BC7D-1E7CFDBA3B74). Generate AssemblyInfo class (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Executing task. Generate AssemblyInfo class (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Using class 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.DotNetTemplateEngine' in assembly 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.dll'. DotNetTemplateEngine::Could not find template 'SD_EF_AssemblyInfo'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE) SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate::Execution task done. Generate Context Class (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Executing task. Generate Context Class (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Using class 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.DotNetTemplateEngine' in assembly 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.dll'. DotNetTemplateEngine::Could not find template 'SD_EF_DbContext_Context'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE) SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate::Execution task done. Generate app.config file (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Executing task. Generate app.config file (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Using class 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.DotNetTemplateEngine' in assembly 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.dll'. DotNetTemplateEngine::Could not find template 'SD_EF_AppConfig'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE) SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate::Execution task done. Generate Edmx File (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Executing task. Generate Edmx File (SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate)::Using class 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.DotNetTemplateEngine' in assembly 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.dll'. DotNetTemplateEngine::Could not find template 'SD_EF_Edmx'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE) SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate::Execution task done. Generate VS.NET project file (SD.Tasks.Base.GenerateVSNetProject)::Executing task. Generate VS.NET project file (SD.Tasks.Base.GenerateVSNetProject)::Using class 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.TaskPerformers.ProjectFileCreator' in assembly 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.TaskPerformers.dll'. ProjectFileCreator::Could not find template 'SD_EF_POCO_Persistence_VsNet'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE) SD.Tasks.Base.GenerateVSNetProject::Execution task done. SD.Tasks.Base.GenericTaskGroup::Execution task group for DriverID 'A8034CB0-319D-4cdd-BC7D-1E7CFDBA3B74' done. SD.EntityFramework.v6 (DbContext API)::Execution task group for DriverID 'A8034CB0-319D-4cdd-BC7D-1E7CFDBA3B74' done. Source code Generation::Source code generation failed.
# Posted on: 21-Oct-2020 06:59:13
Hi Ian,
I never used this combination, however according to documentation, Oracle target database is not supported for Entity Framework:
More info about this in the this thread