We just released LLBLGen Pro v4.1 beta.
New features / changes in this release are:
* Entity Framework v6 support
* .NET 4.5.1 support
* Oracle 12c support in Oracle drivers.
* Oracle Managed ODP.NET provider support
* Lots of small changes / fixes.
LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework:
* Full Async API in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework
* Oracle 12c support (Identity fields/default sequences/new paging queries)
* Oracle Managed ODP.NET provider support
* Transient Error Recovery (Connection Resiliency)
* Lots of small changes / fixes.
Please read the enclosed beta readme .docx file!
VS.NET integration
If you're using the designer inside VS.NET, and you have v4.0 installed as well,
the beta installer will install a new vs.net extension version which will load
v4.1 in vs.net instead of v4.0. When you uninstall either one of the versions,
this extension will be uninstalled as well. To repair this, run the .vsix file
found in the installed version you want to keep.
Please post your feedback in the v4.1 beta forum: http://www.llblgen.com/TinyForum/Threads.aspx?ForumID=54