How to change field validation error message (v2.5)

Posts: 37
Joined: 29-Sep-2004
# Posted on: 20-Jul-2013 17:40:22   


I need to modify the error message that validates the length of the string value fields in a particular entity (not all entities). The current message looks like:

The value specified will cause an overflow error in the database. Value length:16. Column max. length: 10 Parameter name: TeacherId

I am using version 2.5, self servicing. Can someone provide an example or steps on how to do this?

Thank you for your help!

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Support Team
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Joined: 21-Aug-2005
# Posted on: 23-Jul-2013 20:51:57   

These error messages are not supposed to be delivered to the end customer. Only for development and testing scenarios. So you'd better provide your own errors for the UI.

You may use the a Validator class to build your own validation and error reporting, and you can suppress the built-In validation as well.