I am in the process of converting a 2.6 project to 4.0. After performing the project conversion, I have quite a few warnings. Most of them are similar to the following:
The relationship 'IceCream.Flavor - Flavor. (m.1)' has one navigator which is empty, which could lead to problems with SelfServicing.
In the 2.6 project, I hid relationships on the PK side for any "code" types of entities, not just the field related to the relationship.
In the conversion documentation, it states:
Relationship conversion
All normal relationships which have their start entity as the FK side are emitted into the output, unless they're marked hidden, or used for hierarchies. If the relationship doesn't have an opposite, the relation is emitted, if the FK side is the start entity, otherwise the relation is ignored, as it's not a concept that's known in v4. Instead, in v2.x, the user should unhide the relation and hide the field mapped onto the relation. Custom relations which are present in just one side are seen as normal relations
Is this the source of my problem? Does this mean that I have to go through all of the entities (over 400) in the 2.6 project (before conversion) and unhide the relationship, then hide the field?
Also, we use the Adaptor template group. If I never use the SelfServicing templates, can I just make the warning go away?
Sorry for posting this in the incorrect forum...