Hi Frans,
of course, if there is no much changing of the content there is no much need for ASP.NET (MVC).
Last week I got in contact with somebody who wanted a CMS system. As I saw that there shall be just a few static HTML sites with some JavaScript, I suggested plain HTML, too. They where surprised because it seems that somebody told them that they'd need a CMS. <LOL>
At the moment I've to maintain the KulturPortal of Frankfurt of the Culture Department of the City of Frankfurt (kultur-frankfurt.de, museumsufer.de, dam-online.de). That was written from guys, as it seems, that come from the Java world, had no experience with C#, ASP.NET and database design. It is terrible, ugly etc. I don't have enough words for it. I'd like to rewrite it, give it an acceptable design and database design with a Adapter data access layer by LLBLGen, but nobody would pay for it.
Sighing greetings