After a lot of work we can finally offer you v3.5 beta!
The beta is open for all v3 customers. To download the beta, please log into the customer area and click on v3.1 at the left, and scroll down to the 'Betas' section. You need a v3.x license to run the beta.
Please read the included 'LLBLGen Pro v3.5 beta readme.docx' file for further details about the beta and its included features.
This beta replaces the QuerySpec beta and the EDMX importer beta as both are now included in v3.5.
How to install
Simply unpack the beta archive in an empty folder and copy your v3 license file into this folder. Always work with a copy of your own work (project files and code) with the beta, because that's the easiest way to roll back to an earlier version.
What's included?
A lot.
A small list of features:
* Rule-based attribute definitions (designer)
* Manipulate settings now in bulk (designer)
* QuerySpec query API for our runtime framework (LLBLGen Pro RTF)
* EDMX importer for importing your entity definitions from an entity framework EDMX file. (designer)
* Full WCF Data Services support with own data service provider (LLBLGen Pro RTF)
* DbContext support (Entity Framework)
* System Type converters (LLBLGen Pro RTF/designer)
* Unified project settings dialog (designer)
* Quick start guides inside the designer (designer)
* .NET 4 client profile compatibility (LLBLGen Pro RTF)
* Lots of smaller enhancements.
We did a lot of refactoring in the runtime framework to remove technical debt by unifying the entity related classes for both adapter and selfservicing. There are still separated classes in the API, but most of the code is now shared. The refactorings will continue in future versions.
How to provide feedback?
We have a specific forum for that: It's the original QuerySpec beta forum, but as QuerySpec is now part of LLBLGen Pro v3.5, it's the right forum to post LLBLGen Pro v3.5 beta feedback.