LLBLGen Pro QuerySpec beta1 released!

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 07-Apr-2011 18:34:51   

The first beta of LLBLGen Pro QuerySpec, a new fluent API to formulate queries, which has the structure of SQL queries and the expressiveness of linq, has been released! It's an API on top of our own native API and is meant to be an alternative for Linq in situations where Linq isn't suitable or not effective, or when you don't like Linq's query structure.

QuerySpec gives more control over how the query is generated into SQL and is extensible in every possible way.

Please read the enclosed README.txt file to get started. QuerySpec is available for v3.0 and v3.1, and available in the customer area -> 3.0 / 3.1 -> Betas section

We want your feedback on this!. We're very interested in what you think about the API, its structure, how it works and what's missing. Please let us know so we can update the API so it will be the best query api possible by posting in the beta forum

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro