Here is the syntax reference. You can also download the chm from the LLBLGen Customer Area.
Unfortunately, there is no upper case modifier, just a CamelCase. You have workaround this by doing either of these:
a. Modify your generated code:
<[Foreach EntityField CrLf]>
if (key.ToUpper() == "<[EntityFieldName]>".ToUpper())
// some c# code
if (key.ToUpper() == "EntityField1".ToUpper())
// some c# code
generated code:
if (key.ToUpper() == "EntityField2".ToUpper())
// some c# code
Not sure, but I think you still can tweak to use the switch. That is just approximate code occurs to me.
b. Use Lpt engine which is more powerful, you can do almost anything you want with templates.