LLBLGen Pro v3.1 beta released!

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 12-Jan-2011 18:17:33   

Today we released the first beta of LLBLGen Pro v3.1! V3.0 customers can download the bits from the customer area -> 3.0 -> betas section.

V3.1 brings a deep, extensible import system, custom field ordering, model only relationships, a lot of designer adjustments to make working with the designer even more easier, performance improvements for the runtime framework and much more.

V3.1 is a free upgrade for v3 customers.

Please read the readme doc file enclosed in the beta archive for details about new features, aspects of these new features and the (fortunately small) list of breaking changes.

We have planned to ship newer v3.x versions quicker than we have done in the past. If you requested a feature and it's not implemented in 3.1, don't be sad, we have logged your feature request and it might very well be implemented in v3.2.

Please give all feedback in the special beta forum: http://www.llblgen.com/tinyforum/Threads.aspx?ForumID=50

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro