Oracle driver and important bugfixes released!

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 03-Nov-2003 22:12:42   

The release version of the Oracle driver has been released today. Download the complete installer from the upgrades section to install this improvement today.

Also, important bugfixes have been released today which are recommended to all. By downloading the full installer, you get all these bugfixes at the same time, so this is recommended.

The full changelog for this version:

CHANGELOG release November 3rd.

FIXED: * [CORE] In a rare situation fields mapped on relations could get the same name as a field which was already in the field list, resulting induplicate declarations and uncompilable code. * [GUI] When the Entities node was selected in the project explorer and you closed the project using cntrl-Q and then pressed cntrl-N to create a newproject, you'd get an exception, because the Entities context menu was still active. * [TEMPLATES] The entityBase.template and the entity.template for VB.NET contained a bug in the latest version: they contained a C# style declaration of a method. This has been corrected

ADDED: * Oracle support.

* [GUI] You can now change the catalog you use for the source for a refresh. You'll get a warning though that it is not wise to change the catalog for a refresh.

FINAL, 29-oct-2003

FIXED: * [SQLSERVER /ORACLE DQE] A typed list with just 1 entity would never filter on duplicates. This has been fixed.

FINAL, 23-oct-2003


* [ORM Support classes] EntityFields, DaoBase and EntityBase are changed in such a way that duplicate hashcodes for PK values are handled properly in the multi-entity fetch routine. The old situation would skip entities which had a hashcode which was already seen on another entity, while the entity to be skipped was not identical.

FINAL, 21-oct-2003

FIXED: * [TEMPLATES] When an entity was named after a reserved keyword in the target language, the code generated would not compile. * [CODE EMITTER/TEMPLATES] When 50 parameters are emitted without a CrLf, the line is ended with a CrLf and a lineConcatenator character which is defined in the templateset config file. (default: "", only VB.NET has '_'). This is necessary to avoid long lines with stored procedures with a lot of parameters (lines > 2048 characters).

FINAL, 15-oct-2003

FIXED: * [GUI/CORE] Several bugs in the sequence management for fields. These bugs showed up when the necessity of sequences was enabled. * [CORE] Bugfixes in catalog refresher related to sequences. * [CORE] Stored Procedure Parameter name construction went bezerk when a '_' was in the name.

ADDED: * [TEMPLATES] All template files have been changed: the headers have now a new statement <[ TemplateName ]> which will be replaced by the name of the used template set. This change was necessary so templates for other databases can be created using a common set of templates. Headers have been cleaned up so they do not reflect DQE references unless the template is db specific. * [TASK PERFORMERS] Support for template name passing * [CODE EMITTER] Support for <[ TemplateName ]> statement.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 04-Nov-2003 09:54:24   

A bug was reported that the New project wizard threw an exception when you didn't have ODP.NET installed (for example when you only have Sqlserver). This was a bug which went unnoticed and is now corrected with a new installer, which is released a few minutes ago.

Sorry for this inconveniance.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro