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# Posted on: 11-Dec-2009 08:52:33   

hi all,

I'd like to set the output path in a vs project (path where the bin files would be created). I expected that I could set this property using the binrootfolder option in the project creator. But whatever I set, the output path in the vs project is set to bin\Debug\ (or Release).

How can I set the output path?

Thanks for help.

(using LLBLGen Pro version 2.6 Final, release on august 26th 2009)

Walaa avatar
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# Posted on: 11-Dec-2009 10:33:21   

How do you set the BinRootFolder and to what value and what's the outcome?

Please note that the BinRootFolder defines the folder where the bin folder would be created. (i.e. the root of the bin folder).

Also please check this thread, you might be facing the same issue:

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# Posted on: 11-Dec-2009 10:47:41   

I set the BinRootFolder in the "Task queue to execute" register in the Generate... dialog. In the task "SD.Tasks.SelfServicing.VsNetProjectFileCreator" I set the binrootfolder property.

my directory tree is as follow:

  • parentDir
    • Debug
    • LLBLProject
      • (bin\Debug)
      • (bin\Release)
      • llbl.csproj
    • Release
    • subdir1
    • subdir2

I'd like to set the output path to Debug/Relase directory, so bin root folder should be set to parentDir. I tested with binrootfolder values like "..\" and "..."

Because this doesn't succeed, I tested an "easier" way... Creating a subfolder "test" in LLBLProject and set binrootfolder to "test\"... nothing changed. OutputPath in Visual Studio stays on the default (bin\Debug or bin\Release)...

Walaa avatar
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# Posted on: 11-Dec-2009 12:31:46   

Would you please delete the VS project. And re-generate the code.

Here is what I've tried on a project I'm working on: 1- I deleted all the generated code. 2- I have set the BinRootFolder for the DBGeneric Project to: *[dbgenericSubFolder]\Test* 3- I re-generated the code and clicked on the "Yes" button, when I was prompted to save the preset. 4- I opened the DBGeneric project in Northwind to find the following on the Build Output path for the debug configuration: *DatabaseGeneric\Test\bin\Debug* And for the release configuration: *DatabaseGeneric\Test\bin\Release*

Is this similar to what you are after?

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# Posted on: 11-Dec-2009 13:48:31   

I just did the same as you: 1. deleted all generated code 2. set the binRootFolder to: [dbgenericSubFolder]\Test\ 3. code generated (clicked yes when it was prompted to save) 4. openend the generated visual studio project: value in output path (debug mode): \bin\Debug!

The task in which I defined binRootFolder was named "SD.Tasks.SelfServicing.VsNetProjectFileCreator". What do you mean with "DBGeneric Project" in your explanation?

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# Posted on: 11-Dec-2009 14:06:47   

Oh, I was generating the code using the Adapter model, but you are generating using the SelfServicing. Now when I try Selfservicing, I can re-produce the issue.

We will look deep into this and get back to you.

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 11-Dec-2009 18:44:27   

There is only a setting for adapter as it has separate folders for the content.

You therefore have to adjust this in once the project is generated.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 14-Dec-2009 08:20:53   

ok, thanks for your answer.

Next time I will probably use adapter mode...