Otis wrote:
(please post llblgen pro related questions in other forums than general chat, thanks)
Likely the asp.net designer, it's not really that great, but hey, it's all there is. It's not refreshing the columns always.
That said, 'isactive' sounds like soft-deletes. Don't use soft-deletes. If you can't delete rows, use an archiving catalog and delete triggers. Soft-deletes will eventually bring down your system as the amount of data you've to work with in the DB far outweighs the amount of data in your working set. Plus, FK constraints can't be used.
Actually I rebooted and it all came back and bits are working fine.
Now isActive does sound like a soft delete, and in some cases it could be considerd such. The app I am building, the isActie are for referential tables, to turn off things your not using, or are not ready to be activated. Not really an area full auditing is required.
Now the core portion of the app I do want full audit, or promotion capability (possibly a WIP) concept event. Probably a WIP (Work in progress) with a promotion capacity and an auditing component.
Speaking of which if anyone has examples of this, that might cut down on some of my coding.