Bit off topic here, using DataSets and DataAdapters but i'm hoping somebody here might be able to help.
I have a problem where i begin a transaction, then i'm calling Update on a DataAdapter which processes any updates in my dataset, that's fine. But then i have some other things that need to happen before my transaction is committed and occassionaly i will need to be able to roll back these changes AFTER a successful call to Update.
The trouble is that a successful call to Update implicitly calls AcceptChanges on the dataset, but i don't want the changes to be accepted until my transaction has been committed. I need to rollback the transaction and either get my dataset back to the way it was before the changes where applied or just get the status of the changed rows back to Added/Modified.
There doesn't seem to be any way around this, i've searched google high and low but can't seem to find anything relating to this issue
Am i missing something simple, e.g. a property like AcceptChangesAfterUpdate ??