I think LLBLGen uses SQLParam objects in its queries and is there for SQL Injection Save.
I remember reading an article from M$ where they were advising people to use these Param Objects as they are SQL Injection save.
SQL Injection attacks mostly happen when you create a SQL Query by concatenating the params values into the sql string.
[i]'Select X.1, X.2
from X
Where X.Y = ' + txtYValue.text[/i]
(The Book C# Design Patterns: A Tutorial - shows people how to create a Facade Pattern (Data Objects) with this method of concatenating
People doing this type of thing are asking for SQL Injection)_
**Example of Injection attack as i understand it. **
[i]'Select X.1, X.2
from X
Where X.Y = '1'Delete from X'[/i]
(Note the fake value followed by a close quote' infront of the SQL Injection)
LLBLGen uses ADO.Net and Param Objects and ADO.Net generates the following SQL.
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [dbo].[X].[X1] AS [X1],[dbo].[X].[X2] AS [X2]
FROM [dbo].[X] WHERE ( [dbo].[X].[XY] = @Param1)', N'@Param1 int'
Another type of attack that is sometimes more seriouse is Java Script Injection Attacks
Where Java script gets put into fields that get saved in the database. Once these field values get displayed in a web page the Java Script will get executed.
What alot of these java script injections do is to redirect the person to another website.