Thanks for your quick reply and pointing me to the SDK documentation!
I've started to read the SDK doc and investigated the CodeEmitter.cs ...
... but, why should I reinvent the wheel or get in trouble with my own emitter when moving to a new llblgen version?
Based on the ASP.NET 2.0 GUI generator templates for each entity were generated custom web-controls. (list<entity>.asx, edit<entity>.ascx, search<entity>.ascx and viewRelatedTo<entity>.ascx). This works well, if you have a 'simple' ER-Model with few tables and fewer relations.
I like to generate for each entity relation a custom web-control.
Afterwards I can click together the final webpages reusing these custom controls. (be more flexible in design of the pages, permissions, user roles, etc.)
Maybe anyone had solved a similar task. Create a single sourcecode file for
- each Entity Relation of a Entity, each mapped database Field of a Entity, each Sub-type of a Entity, each custom property of a Entity
- each mapped field of a typed List, each entity of a typed List, each custom property of a typed List, ...
- each mapped field of a typed View, each entityof a typed View, each custom property of a typed View, ...
- ...
This is like a cascaded loop:
for each Object of a EmitType do a
for each listed property (Relation, Custom Property, mapped field)
execute a Task (e.g. Perform Code Emitter).