I want to use LLBLGENPRO in conjunctionwith Microsofts Enterprise Library 4.1 Validation framework.
The feature I want to use from the validation framework is the ability to specify validation rules as attributes of public properties on the generated business entities.
**public class MyLLBLGENProGeneratedBusinessEntity
[StringLengthValidator(1, 50, Ruleset="RuleSetA",
MessageTemplate="First Name must be between 1 and 50 characters")]
public virtual System.String Name
get { return (System.String)GetValue((int)MyLLBLGENProGeneratedBusinessEntityFieldIndex.Name, true); }
set { SetValue((int)MyLLBLGENProGeneratedBusinessEntityFieldIndex.Name, value); }
How can I add custom attributes to properties of my generated business entities so that they will remain there even after re-generation?