MySql users please read

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LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 14-Nov-2008 10:29:06   

Today, Corelab's new company DevArt has released v5 of the MySql provider. It has been renamed to dotConnect for MySql.

The problem is that they also changed the namespaces and assembly names. This means that our code no longer works with v5 of their provider and assembly redirects won't help: it's a complete new provider: all names have changed.

As v5 requires an upgrade from devart one should stick with v4 of their mysqldirect provider for the time being, as we don't support v5 of their provider as that would require code changes.

As corelab has a bad trackrecord for supporting their stuff and their licensing mechanism has given many problems among our users in the past, we're discussing what to do with mysql support for v3 of LLBLGen Pro. In v3 we're using the .NET 2.0 factory support so the code in a driver is not tied to a provider version, and we hope to solve these kind of problems in the future.

So in short: current mysql users: stick with v4 (or v3) of CoreLab's mysqldirect provider for now. If you upgrade to v5 of devart's provider, it won't work with llblgen pro.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro