LPT Template w/o Generating File

dtkujawski avatar
Posts: 39
Joined: 05-Jul-2007
# Posted on: 25-Mar-2008 20:04:21   

Can I set a LPT Template to be executed without generating any output files?

I have a "post generation" template that I created where it performs some basic cleanup steps.

Here is my task:

    <taskGroupPreset name="SD.Tasks.Base.GenericTaskGroup" displayName="Post Generation" additionalDestinationFolder="Common\Service Interface\uFACTS.DataContracts">
      <taskPreset name="SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate">
          <parameter name="destinationFolder" value="" />
          <parameter name="templateID" value="uFACTS_PostGeneration_CleanComments" />
          <parameter name="emitType" value="generic" />
          <parameter name="filenameFormat" value="debug.[extension]" />

When this is run, it creates a bunch of DEBUG.CS files that are then added to the project. I could move this task to be AFTER the project task, but I was wondering if there was another way to do this using a parameter?

Thanks in advance

dtkujawski avatar
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Joined: 05-Jul-2007
# Posted on: 25-Mar-2008 20:19:52   

I thought of ONE solution which would be to add a DUMMY VSProject taskgroup after the LPT template. Since this projcet isn't part of the Solution file, it is just sitting out there:

    <taskGroupPreset name="SD.Tasks.Base.GenericTaskGroup" displayName="Project File" additionalDestinationFolder="" additionalRootNamespace="Dummy">
      <taskPreset name="SD.Tasks.SelfServicing.VsNetProjectFileCreator">
          <parameter name="templateID" value="SD_VsNet2005Template" />
          <parameter name="clearFileCacheAfterwards" value="true" />

Of course, this is crude and only works at the END of the preset... Anybody have any better ideas?

PS> The reson I can't simply end the preset with the LPT Template is because I have multiple presets that I use to generate the different projects within my solution. I have a batch program I run which combines these PRESET files together to make one LARGE preset (which is what I run most of the time). However, since I have the individual presets also - I can run those individually... So... If I just put the LPT task at the end of each individual preset; it would just add that DEBUG.CS file to the NEXT project file in the preset.


goose avatar
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# Posted on: 25-Mar-2008 20:57:58   

You could as well, create your own Task Performer, Is very straightforward. Download the sources to see how they work. Let us know how it went.

dtkujawski avatar
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# Posted on: 26-Mar-2008 13:25:57   

Excellent idea... I'll look at doing that when I get some time over the next few days...


dtkujawski avatar
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# Posted on: 02-Apr-2008 17:02:58   

As I started thinking about your suggestion, I found a very simple solution.

In my LPT script, if I do the following at the end of my processing - it will remove the file and not add it to the VS Project:

throw new TemplateAbortException();

Since this exception is not bubbled up to the rest of the generating code - it has the effect of achieving exactly what I was looking for, without having to diverge from the standard LPTParser code base with another custom parser...

Thanks for putting me down the path...