I thought of ONE solution which would be to add a DUMMY VSProject taskgroup after the LPT template. Since this projcet isn't part of the Solution file, it is just sitting out there:
<taskGroupPreset name="SD.Tasks.Base.GenericTaskGroup" displayName="Project File" additionalDestinationFolder="" additionalRootNamespace="Dummy">
<taskPreset name="SD.Tasks.SelfServicing.VsNetProjectFileCreator">
<parameter name="templateID" value="SD_VsNet2005Template" />
<parameter name="clearFileCacheAfterwards" value="true" />
Of course, this is crude and only works at the END of the preset... Anybody have any better ideas?
PS> The reson I can't simply end the preset with the LPT Template is because I have multiple presets that I use to generate the different projects within my solution. I have a batch program I run which combines these PRESET files together to make one LARGE preset (which is what I run most of the time). However, since I have the individual presets also - I can run those individually... So... If I just put the LPT task at the end of each individual preset; it would just add that DEBUG.CS file to the NEXT project file in the preset.