Otis wrote:
If you have visio, you can reverse engineer the code into UML (uml in visio is horrible, but for diagram viewing it's ok)
I've just started using Visio as a UML modelling tool so I'm interested to know why you think it's horrible. From what I've seen, it's somewhat buggy, lacks advanced code generation (as well as having only a very limited set of target languages) and integration with database modelling, but I haven't seen any major UML design flaws.
What would you suggest as an alternative to Visio-please-don't-say-Rational?
A bit more on topic, I'm thinking it would be nice if (after LLBL generates DB classes) LLBL could generate some kind of output containing package(class?) structure so that it's usable when modelling, for instance, sequence diagrams. I don't suppose it allready exists...does it?
I've just tried to reverse-engineer UML from a LLBL project (~50 table database) and I've ran out of virtual memory when VS.Net broke the 1GB(!) barrier so I'll just have to...try again. But smarter.
On a server, preferably.