Thanks! Everything works now. I was able to read the CHM file, and after a bit of work, I was able to achieve field length checking. In the TDL template that generates my validator classes, I added an include pointing to a VB.Net .lpt template as follows:
<% Dim currentEntity As EntityDefinition = CType((CType(_activeObject, Hashtable))("CurrentEntity"), EntityDefinition) %>
<% If currentEntity.Fields.Count > 0 Then %>
<% For Each currentField As EntityFieldDefinition In currentEntity.Fields %>
Private Function ValidateFieldValue<%=currentField.FieldName%>(ByVal involvedEntity As IEntityCore, ByVal value As <%=currentField.DotNetType %>) As Boolean
Dim toReturn As Boolean = True
<% If (Not currentField.IsNullable) Then %>
If ( value Is Nothing ) Then
toReturn = False
End If
<% End If %>
<% If currentField.DotNetType Is GetType(System.String) Then %>
If value.Length > <%=currentField.MappedFieldLength %> Then
toReturn = False
End If
<% End If %>
Return toReturn
End Function
<% Next %>
<% End If %>
That code generates a validation function for each field in the entity, where non-nullable DB fields are checked for NULL, and textual DB fields are checked against maximum length. A calling function is reponsible for executing the individual field functions.
Thanks again, and congratulations on a wonderful product that I intend to use a great deal in the future.