Maybe a possible solution is a single table with a single varchar (3330) column.
where 3330 = 10030 + 1130
the 11 come from the len of the string ">; fieldN=<"
and you code the data in that column like
'field1=<......>; field2=<.....>; ....'
this is harder, because you need to manage escape character for the fields data, and you probably need to double search anything:
You will need one sql search to find the row that 'may' contain the required data in the required field, followed by another search (in a stored procedure? on the client? in an UDF?) that, once the rows are found, check if the searched data is in the required field.
This approach have the advantage that you can fill-in and store only the required fields.
Also you probably need a varchar column longer than 3330, because you'll need to manage escape char...
Or maybe that you choose to not use escape char, and use a "fixed lenght" string management, so each field will have exactly 100 char stored.
This approach make the search simpler, because if you are searching for the string "abcd" in field 4, you can create a WHERE like
WHERE myDataCol like 'field4=<abcd'
but you cant do something like
WHERE myDataCol like 'field4=<abcd*'
because this will match even the string
'field4=<kkkkrutiue...>; field5=<abcd....>'