Hi All LLBLGen users.
After a lot of thought i decided to open some ftp space for you guys.
Please note that the llblgenguest account is allowed a total of 5MB hard disk space and 20 connections. I know 5MB is not much but it is the only way that i can prevent people from uploading tons of Porn, Warez and other crap to the server. 5 Mb should be more than enough for source code uploads - so please make sure that you only upload source files and not binaries unless the binaries are required. When the need arises for more disk space i will review the use of the service.
The upload of files to server will be monitored on a daily so please use this service wisely or i will otherwise be forced to close this account. If any abuse of this ftp service is noticed by you as a user please report it to Admin@netready.co.za - Everyone making use of this ftp service have the right to delete any material that they might find on the ftp service that does not have any bearing to LLBLGen.
Wayne Barker, Admin@Netready.co.za and the Owners of the server on which this ftp service resides reserves the right to alter or close this account without notifying any users there off. The ftp service is not be used in any commercial or illegal manner.
How to use the ftp space in conjunction to the LLBLGen forum?
Upload the file to the ftp server and post a url in the forum to the source code.
Here is the connection details:
Username : llblgenguest
Password : treeboat
Otis - don't know if you want to - but you could post the details about this service in the annoucement section. It does not seem possible to post a ftp link in this forum - only http?
MODBREAK: this offer is not in any way related to Solutions Design, LLBLGen Pro or llblgen.com.