[Implemented] Important: Custom Properties read from db change

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 08-Jul-2004 22:49:25   

After a few weeks, I have decided that the automatic read of custom properties from the DB was a mistake, it has too many disadvantages.

I'll start tomorrow with an intermediate fix which was already planned for the runtime libs revision timeframe but will be released a.s.a.p. The changes are:

  • each driver will offer a select of which elements will be retrieved when a schema is read
  • when a project contains procs, typed views, all sp's and views are read. If not, the user can select if this data is fetched from the db. If this data is not read, the project will not contain this data.
  • it will be optional to read custom property data from the db, the setting for this will be preselected based on the option in the preferences/project to retrieve custom property data from the db elements when entities/typed views are created.

As soon as these changes are ready a new beta will be released. This fix is stopping the runtime lib updates for now for a few days, however these updates are nice on schedule so nothing is lost.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro