That's rather tricky. In TDL you can't do that, so you have to revert to an lpt template. What you could do is using a copy of the entity include template (selfservicing is entityinclude.template, adapter is entityincludeadapter.template) and bind that copy to the include ID (SD_EntityIncludeTemplate or SD_EntityIncludeAdapterTemplate) using a custom templatbindings file which you place above the standard templatebindings file in the second tab on the generatorconfig dialog.
In the copy, you remove the property generation loop and replace it with an include statement:
<# someID #>
you then bind to the ID you specified an lpt template in which you traverse the fields of the current entity, and emit code accordingly and then access the table field via the entity field (see sdk reference manual for the object model of the project) and check the casing.
However, is there a reason you want to do this? As it seems rather fragile to me, to base accessability on casing of the table field