The Real Time View
The visual GUI, OrmProfiler.exe, offers a real time view on the data received by the client in the form of the Real Time View. By default the Visual UI opens the Real Time View tab automatically at startup. If you have closed the tab, you can re-open it again by either clicking the Open real-time view button on the Home tab, or by using the Window -> Focus Real-time view menu option (or use its shortcut cntrl-R).
The Real Time View consists of two parts: the Chronological Connections View and the Activity Graphs. Both offer different views on the same data. They're described in more detail in separate sections below. The Real Time View furthermore has recording controls which allow you to do punch-in recording of profiling data by clicking Record to snapshot.
The Real Time View performs real-time analysis, based on the Real-time analysis settings. See for more information about Real-time analysis, the real-time analysis page.
Auto-clean up of old, stale data
The data viewable through the Real Time View is controlled by an auto-clean up feature. The auto-clean up feature makes sure the real-time view offers a specific, short view on the data that has passed through the Real Time View without keeping old data around. This way, you can keep the Real Time View open for a long period of time without worrying data received hours ago is still inside the view's data repository.
To enable auto-clean up, check the checkbox at the top left corner in the Real Time View. You can specify the default value of this checkbox by setting the Preference AutoCleanUpData to true. When enabled, auto-clean up will automatically remove all data from the Real Time View data repository which is older than the set amount of seconds, called the interval length.
You can specify the default interval length with the Preference IntervalLengthInSeconds. You can control this interval in the Real Time View by specifying a number in the Auto-Clean up interval textbox. By default the interval is 60 seconds.
The Chronological Connections sub-tab
The Chronological Connections sub-tab is similar to the Connections in chronological order tab on a snapshot tab. It views the connections and related data in the order the connection information was received by the Real Time View. Clicking a node in the treelist will show its details in the pane below the treelist.
To keep the view focused on the last received connection node, check the Scroll view to last node checkbox. You can control the default value of this setting in the Preferences by setting the ScrollViewToLastNode setting to true.
The Activity Graphs sub-tab
A completely different view on the real-time data received by the Real Time View is shown on the Activity Graphs sub-tab. On the sub-tab two graphs are shown: the top graph shows the number of connection open actions per second, with every application displayed in its own color / graph. The bottom graph shows the number of commands per second, again with every application displayed in its own color / graph.
These graphs allow you to monitor profiling data and see spikes in the activity of your application right away. Each graph is scrolled to the left once a second.
To create a snapshot from the data visualized in the graphs, simply drag with the mouse a range in one of the graphs, from left to right by holding the left mouse-button and click the Copy as snapshot button on the Activity Graphs sub-tab. The snapshot will use the filter settings and analysis settings as currently defined in the client.