DBTableFieldChangeType Enumeration |
Change type specification for field changes
SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DBDriverCore (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DBDriverCore.dll) Version: (
public enum DBTableFieldChangeType
Public Enumeration DBTableFieldChangeType
| Member name | Value | Description |
| None | 0 |
No change
| FieldName | 1 |
The field name property was changed
| OrdinalPosition | 2 |
The ordinal position was changed
| IsNullable | 4 |
The IsNullable flag was changed
| IsIdentity | 8 |
The IsIdentity flag was changed
| IsTimestamp | 16 |
The IsTimestamp flag was changed
| DBType | 32 |
The DBType of the field in TypeDefinition was changed (and the related fields following the DBType)
| Length | 64 |
The Length property in TypeDefinition was changed
| Precision | 128 |
The Precision property in TypeDefinition was changed
| Scale | 256 |
The Scale property in TypeDefinition was changed
| IsPrimaryKey | 512 |
The IsPrimaryKey flag was changed
| DefaultSequence | 1024 |
The default sequence was changed
| MarkedForDeletion | 2048 |
The MarkedForDeletion property was changed
| DefaultValue | 4096 |
The default value property was changed.
| NETType | 8192 |
The .NET type of the field has been changed.
| HasDefaultValue | 16384 |
The has default value property has been changed.
See Also