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IProjectElementFieldMapTargetElement Interface

Interface for defining a generic project element field map target (for e.g. entity field, typed view field etc. )

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DBDriverCore
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DBDriverCore (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DBDriverCore.dll) Version: (
public interface IProjectElementFieldMapTargetElement

The IProjectElementFieldMapTargetElement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCustomProperties
Custom properties (name - value pairs) read from the schema.
Public propertyDbTypeAsString
Gets the DbType as string.
Public propertyDefaultSequence
Gets the default sequence. Only set when the database supports default sequence hints. otherwise null
Public propertyDefaultValue
The default value for this field. It is represented in a string, since it's only used in the code generation process. Is only valid if HasDefaultValue returns true.
Public propertyDirection
Gets the direction of the parameter represented by this fieldmaptarget element
Public propertyFieldName
name of the field.
Public propertyFullName
Gets the full name which is of the format: Parent's FullName.FieldName
Public propertyHasDefaultValue
Flag which signals if this field has a default value. If true, DefaultValue should return the default value for this field.
Public propertyIsComputed
Flag which signals if this field's value is retrieved using a function stored with the field in the database.
Public propertyIsForeignKey
Flag which signals if this field has a foreign key (FK) constraint. By design, fields can have only one foreign key constraint, since more than one is semantically wrong.
Public propertyIsIdentity
Flag which signals if this field is an autonumber / identity field. On Oracle this means the field should get its value from a Sequence defined with the system.
Public propertyIsNullable
Flag which signals if this field can contain NULL / is nullable.
Public propertyIsPrimaryKey
Flag which signals if this field is part of the primary key (PK) of the IDBTable referenced by Parent.
Public propertyIsRowGUID
Flag which signals if this field is a RowGUID field. Microsoft Specific.
Public propertyIsTimeStamp
Flag which signals if this field is a timestamp field.
Public propertyLength
Gets the length of the type of the target field.
Public propertyMarkedForDeletion
Gets a value indicating whether this element is marked for deletion.
Public propertyNETTypeAsString
Gets the .NET type as string.
Public propertyOrdinalPosition
The ordinal position of the instance of DBField in the table or view referenced by Parent OrdinalPosition is 1-based, which means the first field has OrdinalPosition 1.
Public propertyParent
Reference to the IProjectElementFieldMapTargetElement instance which reflects the table this IEntityFieldMapTargetElement instance belongs to.
Public propertyPrecision
Gets the precision of the type of the target field.
Public propertyScale
Gets the scale of the type of the target field.
Public propertyTypeDefinition
DBTypeDefinition instance representing the type of this field.
Public propertyUDTName
Gets the name of the UDT the db type is based on. If not applicable, an empty string is returned.
See Also