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CoreUtilsMakeCLSCompliantName Method

Overload List
Public methodStatic memberMakeCLSCompliantName(String, Boolean, Boolean)
Converts the given name into a string that is usable as a CLS compliant name. All names are PasCal cased, which means the first character is made uppercase. It tries to comply the to identifier syntaxis for C#, with 1 exception, it will not allow a '@' character nor '_' at the front of the name. See section 2.4.2 of the C# standard for details. When the name starts with a numeric digit, a '_' is added as a prefix. This way the name is always CLS compliant. If the resulting name is empty, an exception is thrown. Will capitalize the first character.
Public methodStatic memberMakeCLSCompliantName(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Converts the given name into a string that is usable as a CLS compliant name. All names are PasCal cased, which means the first character is made uppercase. It tries to comply the to identifier syntaxis for C#, with 1 exception, it will not allow a '@' character nor '_' at the front of the name. See section 2.4.2 of the C# standard for details. When the name starts with a numeric digit, a '_' is added as a prefix. This way the name is always CLS compliant. If the resulting name is empty, an exception is thrown.
Public methodStatic memberMakeCLSCompliantName(String, DictionaryString, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Makes the name of the CLS compliant.
See Also