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CoreUtils Class

General utility methods for all classes inside this namespace or child namespaces
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.Core
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.Core (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.Core.dll) Version: (
public static class CoreUtils

The CoreUtils type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCheckIfTypeIsNumericType
Checks the type if the type is a numeric type.
Public methodStatic memberConvertDiscriminatorValueToRealType
Convert specified discriminator value to its real type
Public methodStatic memberCreatePairsFromSubSetDictionariesTKey, TValue
Creates a new set of pairs where the values of a key in both subset1 and subset2 are combined as a pair. Keys which are present only in subset1 or only in subset2 are ignored.
Public methodStatic memberDeserializeFromBytesT
Deserializes the specified bytes into a new instance of T. If the bytes don't represent a T instance, null is returned.
Public methodStatic memberDetermineImpliedSyncSourceValue
Determines the implied synchronize source value from the specified syncable children.
Public methodStatic memberEncodingTypeToTextEncoding
Encodings the type to encoding.
Public methodStatic memberFragmentizeString(String)
Splits string passed in into fragments. First on spaces, then on _ and then on Capitols/lowercase boundaries. All fragments are added to the same list, all '_''s stripped out are stored in the list as well. All spaces are not placed in the returned list. Underscores are stored per underscore, so a ___ part is stored as 3 strings with 1 underscore.
Public methodStatic memberFragmentizeString(String, Boolean, Boolean)
Splits string passed in into fragments. First on spaces, then on _ and then on Capitols/lowercase boundaries. All fragments are added to the same list, all '_''s stripped out are stored in the list as well. All spaces are not placed in the returned list. Underscores are stored per underscore, so a ___ part is stored as 3 strings with 1 underscore.
Public methodStatic memberMakeCLSCompliantName(String, Boolean, Boolean)
Converts the given name into a string that is usable as a CLS compliant name. All names are PasCal cased, which means the first character is made uppercase. It tries to comply the to identifier syntaxis for C#, with 1 exception, it will not allow a '@' character nor '_' at the front of the name. See section 2.4.2 of the C# standard for details. When the name starts with a numeric digit, a '_' is added as a prefix. This way the name is always CLS compliant. If the resulting name is empty, an exception is thrown. Will capitalize the first character.
Public methodStatic memberMakeCLSCompliantName(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Converts the given name into a string that is usable as a CLS compliant name. All names are PasCal cased, which means the first character is made uppercase. It tries to comply the to identifier syntaxis for C#, with 1 exception, it will not allow a '@' character nor '_' at the front of the name. See section 2.4.2 of the C# standard for details. When the name starts with a numeric digit, a '_' is added as a prefix. This way the name is always CLS compliant. If the resulting name is empty, an exception is thrown.
Public methodStatic memberMakeCLSCompliantName(String, DictionaryString, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Makes the name of the CLS compliant.
Public methodStatic memberMakeRelativePath
Creates a relative path to get from fromPath to toPath. If one of them is empty, the emptystring is returned. If there's no common path, toPath is returned.
Public methodStatic memberMakeUniqueName(IValidatorString, String)
Makes the string passed in unique and valid for the validator.
Public methodStatic memberMakeUniqueName(IEnumerableString, String, Boolean)
Makes the string passed in unique and valid for the validator.
Public methodStatic memberSerializeToByteArray
Serializes the specified object to a byte array using the default binary formatter.
Public methodStatic memberStripName
Strips the name from the prefix/suffix patterns stored in stripPattern
Public methodStatic memberValidateTValue(TValue, TValue, IValidatorTValue, Boolean, Boolean, String, ErrorContainer, Boolean)
Validates the specified value to validate.
Public methodStatic memberValidateTValue(TValue, TValue, IValidatorTValue, Boolean, Boolean, String, ErrorContainer, Boolean, TValue)
Validates the specified value to validate.
See Also