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ConnectionElement Enumeration

Enum which specifies element definitions which are used to store database connection information. This information is passed to a driver which can use this information to construct a connectionstring

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DBDriverCore
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DBDriverCore (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DBDriverCore.dll) Version: (
public enum ConnectionElement
  Member nameValueDescription
ServerName0 The server name / IP number / TNSName of the database server to connect to. Used by all drivers except Access
CatalogName1 The database / catalog to work with in catalog oriented systems
SchemaName2 The schema to work with in schema oriented systems.
UseWindowsAuthentication3 If available, integrated/windows security should be used.
UserID4 User ID specified.
Password5 Password specified
PortNumber6 Portnumber to connect to.
DatabaseFile7 Database file to connect to. Used by file based databases like Access, firebird/Interbase
SecurityFile8 Security file which contains security info for the driver. Access specific.
CharSet9 Charset to use.
DatabasePassword10 Used in Access for the database file password to use.
Encoding11 Encoding to use.
SslMode12 SSL mode to use.
Protocol13 Protocol to use.
UseEncryption14 Will specify that the client will use encryption using the connection string.
UseTransientErrorRecovery15 Will use a transient error recovery strategy. Useful with cloud databases.
See Also