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IProjectElementMapTargetElement Interface

Interface for objects which can be a map target for a project element (entity, typedview etc.)

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DBDriverCore
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DBDriverCore (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.DBDriverCore.dll) Version: (
public interface IProjectElementMapTargetElement

The IProjectElementMapTargetElement type exposes the following members.

Public propertyContainingSchema
Reference to the DBSchema instance this table belongs to.
Public propertyCustomProperties
Custom properties (name - value pairs) read from the schema.
Public propertyDriverID
Gets the driver ID of the database the target is associated with.
Public propertyElementType
Type of the element.
Public propertyFields
IList with all the fields of this target. The list contains elements sorted on ordinal position. Ordinal positions should start at 1.
Public propertyForeignKeyConstraints
Enumerable with all foreign key constraints of this target, empty otherwise
Public propertyFullName
Gets the full name.
Public propertyFullNameForXml
Gets the full name for XML. This is a name which has the format schemaname:elementname or schemaname:elementname:fieldname. Used for references.
Public propertyFullNameForXmlWithCatalog
Gets the full name for XML. This is a name which has the format catalogname:schemaname:elementname or catalogname:schemaname:elementname:fieldname. Used for references.
Public propertyFullNameWithCatalog
Gets the full name including the catalog name
Public propertyMarkedForDeletion
Gets a value indicating whether this element is marked for deletion.
Public propertyName
Literal name of the object
Public propertyPrimaryKeyFields
Enumerable with all primary key fields
Public propertyUniqueConstraints
Enumerable with all the unique constraints of this target, empty otherwise
Public methodFindFieldByName(String)
Helper method which will return a reference to a IEntityFieldMapTargetElement instance with the given FieldName
Public methodFindFieldByName(String, Boolean)
Finds the field with the name specified.
See Also