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InheritanceHierarchiesGraph Class
Special graph which stores inheritance hierarchies between entities.
Inheritance Hierarchy
  SD.Tools.Algorithmia.Graphs.GraphBase<EntityDefinition, InheritanceEdge>
    SD.Tools.Algorithmia.Graphs.DirectedGraph<EntityDefinition, InheritanceEdge>

Namespace:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.EntityModel
Assembly:  SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore (in SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.dll) Version: (5.3.0)
public class InheritanceHierarchiesGraph : DirectedGraph<EntityDefinition, InheritanceEdge>, 

The InheritanceHierarchiesGraph type exposes the following members.

Public methodInheritanceHierarchiesGraph
Initializes a new instance of the InheritanceHierarchiesGraph class.
Public propertyEdgeCount
Returns the number of edges in this graph. If this graph is a directed graph, it counts the edge A to B as an edge, but B to A, if not present, isn't counted. A non-directed graph has an edge between A and B but also between B and A. This is counted as 1 edge, not two.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public propertyEdgeProducerFunc
Gets or sets the edge producer func which produces edges for this graph. Used in some algorithms which have to produce edges.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public propertyEdges
Returns the edges in this graph. Enumerating this property will enumerate the inner structures of the graph, no copy is made. This requires a lock on SyncRoot if IsSynchronized is set to true to make sure enumeration of this property is thread safe.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public propertyIsDirected
if true, the graph is directed and only EdgeBase instances which have IsDirected set to true are allowed, otherwise it's a non-directed graph and EdgeBase instances which have IsDirected set to false are accepted.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public propertyIsSynchronized
Gets a value indicating whether access to the Vertices and Edges is synchronized (thread safe). Default: false. Set to true to in the ctor to make sure the operations on this object are using locks. Use SyncRoot to lock on the same object as this class' internal operations.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public propertyRemoveOrphanedVerticesOnEdgeRemoval
Gets or sets a value indicating whether vertices which are not part of any edge anymore are removed from the graph when the edge they're part of is removed from the graph (so they effectively are orphaned). Default is false.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Protected propertySuppressEvents
Gets or sets a value indicating whether events are blocked from being raised (true) or not (false, default)
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public propertySyncRoot
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the Vertices and Edges properties. It's the same object used in locks inside this object.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public propertyVertexCount
Returns the number of vertices in this graph.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public propertyVertices
Returns the vertices in this graph. Enumerating this property will enumerate the inner structures of the graph, no copy is made. This requires a lock on SyncRoot if IsSynchronized is set to true to make sure enumeration of this property is thread safe.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodAdd(TEdge)
Adds the provided edge to this graph. If the vertex(s) are not yet in this graph, it/they are added as well.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodAdd(TVertex)
Adds the provided vertex to this graph.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodAdd(GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>)
Adds all elements (i.e. vertices and edges) from the provided graph to this graph.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodContains(TEdge)
Determines whether this graph contains the edge object specified.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodContains(TVertex)
Returns whether a vertex exists in this graph.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodContainsEdge
Returns whether an edge exists in this graph between the start vertex and the end vertex specified.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodDeserializeFromReader
Deserializes from reader.
Public methodDisconnect
Removes all edges from this graph between startVertex and endVertex. It will only remove edges between startVertex and endVertex, not between endVertex and startVertex, unless bothSides is set to true, then all edges between both vertices are removed, discarding their direction.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAdjacencyListForVertex
Gets the adjacency list for vertex. The adjacency list is a list of TVertex - Hashset(Of TEdge) tuples, as a vertex can have multiple edges with the same related vertex.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodGetAllEntitiesOnPathToHierarchyRoot
Gets all entities on the path from the subtype to the hierarchy root.
Public methodGetAllNamesInUseByOwnedElementsInCompleteHierarchy
Gets all names in use by owned elements of the element specified (names in use by fields, fk fields, navigators, etc.) in the complete hierarchy the element is in (if applicable).
Public methodGetAllSubtypesForEntity
Gets all subtypes (direct and indirect) for entity.
Public methodGetAllSubtypesInSubHierarchyForEntity
Gets all sub types in sub hierarchy for entity. A sub-hierarchy is a hierarchy inside a full inheritance hierarchy which share the same inheritance type and all vertices are directly connected.
Public methodGetAllSuperTypesForEntities
Gets all distinct super types for the entities specified
Public methodGetAsNonDirectedCopy
Creates a NonDirectedGraph version of this graph. Always creates a copy, even if this graph is a non-directed graph.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodGetDirectSubtypesForEntity
Gets all the direct subtypes for the entity specified.
Public methodGetEdges
Gets all the edges between startVertex and endVertex.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodGetEdgesFromStartVertex
Gets all the edges started from the startvertex specified.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodGetEdgesSyncedAsList
Gets the edges as list, and perform this operation synced with the SyncRoot, to avoid threading issues.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodGetEdgesToEndVertex
Gets all the edges which end in the endVertex specified.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodGetFullHierarchyOfEntity
Gets the full hierarchy the entity passed in is in
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetOrphanedVertices
Gets the orphaned vertices. Orphaned vertices are vertices which are not part of any edge in the graph
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodGetSubGraph<TGraph>
Gets a subgraph from this graph with the vertices and edges which match the functions specified. It creates a new instance and places the same vertex and edge instances in that graph.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodGetSubHierarchyForEntity
Gets the sub hierarchy the passed in entity is in.
Public methodGetSupertypeForEntity
Gets the supertype for entity, if the entity is in an inheritance hierarchy
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetVerticesSyncedAsList
Gets the vertices as list, and perform this operation synced with the SyncRoot, to avoid threading issues.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodIsConnected
A graph is called connected if every pair of distinct vertices in the graph is connected (directly or indirectly). A connected component is a maximal connected subgraph of G. Each vertex belongs to exactly one connected component, as does each edge. A directed graph is called weakly connected if replacing all of its directed edges with undirected edges produces a connected (undirected) graph. It is strongly connected or strong if it contains a directed path from u to v and a directed path from v to u for every pair of vertices u,v. The strong components are the maximal strongly connected subgraphs. See We will only check for a connected un-directed graph or a weakly connected directed graph (same logic).
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodIsHierarchyRoot
Determines whether the passed in entity is a hierarchy root for an inheritance hierarchy
Public methodIsInInheritanceHierarchy
Determines whether the passed in entity is part of an inheritance hierarchy or not
Public methodIsSubType
Determines whether the entity passed in is a subtype.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnEdgeAdded
Called when an edge has been added
(Overrides GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.OnEdgeAdded(TEdge).)
Protected methodOnEdgeAdding
Called when an edge is about to be added
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Protected methodOnEdgeRemoved
Called when an edge has been removed
(Overrides GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.OnEdgeRemoved(TEdge).)
Protected methodOnEdgeRemoving
Called when an edge is about to be removed
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Protected methodOnVertexAdded
Called when a vertex has been added
(Overrides GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.OnVertexAdded(TVertex).)
Protected methodOnVertexAdding
Called when a vertex is about to be added
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Protected methodOnVertexRemoved
Called when a vertex has been removed
(Overrides GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.OnVertexRemoved(TVertex).)
Protected methodOnVertexRemoving
Called when a vertex is about to be removed
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Protected methodPerformSyncedAction(Action)
Performs the specified action, either inside a lock on SyncRoot if this graph is Synchronized, or normally, if the graph isn't synchronized.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Protected methodPerformSyncedAction<T>(Func<T>)
Performs the specified action, either inside a lock on SyncRoot if this graph is Synchronized, or normally, if the graph isn't synchronized.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodRemove(TEdge)
Removes the provided edge from the graph.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodRemove(TVertex)
Removes a vertex from this graph.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodRemove(GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>)
Removes all elements (i.e. vertices and edges) of the provided graph from this graph.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodRemove(GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>, Boolean)
Removes all elements (i.e. vertices and/or edges) of the provided graph from this graph.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodSerializeToWriter
Serializes the data in this class to the serializer passed in
Public methodToggleIsAbstractFlag
Toggles the IsAbstract flag on the entity passed in, if the entity is in an inheritance hierarchy
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public methodTransitiveClosure
Returns the transitive closure of this graph. The particular implementation of this graph uses the knowledge that all edges point to the same direction. this means that the # of operations is drastically reduced.
(Overrides DirectedGraph<TVertex, TEdge>.TransitiveClosure().)
Protected methodValidateEdgeForAddition
Validates if the edge passed in is addable to this graph structure. The start node and the end node for the are given as well. The same edge is present between startVertex and endVertex and also between endVertex and startVertex if the graph is a nondirected graph, hence the necessity of these two nodes in this routine
(Overrides GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.ValidateEdgeForAddition(TEdge, TVertex, TVertex).)
Protected methodValidateEdgeForRemoval
Validates if the edge passed in is removable from this graph structure. The start vertex and the end vertex for the are given as well. The same edge is present between startVertex and endVertex and also between endVertex and startVertex if the graph is a nondirected graph, hence the necessity of these two vertices in this routine
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Protected methodValidateVertexForAddition
Validates if the vertex passed in is addable to this graph structure.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Protected methodValidateVertexForRemoval
Validates if the vertex passed in is removable from this graph structure.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Protected methodValidateVertexFromRemovalFromAdjacencyList
Validates if the vertexToRemove passed in is removable from the adjacency list of the vertex vertex. Removing the vertex means all edges from vertex to vertexToRemove are physically removed from the graph structure.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public eventEdgeAdded
Event which is raised when an edge has been added
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public eventEdgeAdding
Event which is raised when an edge is about to be added
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public eventEdgeRemoved
Event which is raised when an edge has been removed
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public eventEdgeRemoving
Event which is raised when an edge is about to be removed
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public eventVertexAdded
Event which is raised when a vertex has been added
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public eventVertexAdding
Event which is raised when a vertex is about to be added.
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public eventVertexRemoved
Event which is raised when a vertex has been removed
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
Public eventVertexRemoving
Event which is raised when a vertex is about to be removed
(Inherited from GraphBase<TVertex, TEdge>.)
See Also