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SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.EntityModel Namespace
Public classEntityBaseElement
Class which contains a base entity element definition. This class is used for both Valuetypes and EntityDefinitions.
Public classEntityDefinition
Class which represents an Entity definition
Public classEntityModelDataAnalysisService
The service will perform entity model analysis.
Public classEntityModelGraph
Graph which represents an entity model.
Public classFieldElement
Class for a field definition in an entity.
Public classFieldElementCoreList<TField>
base list class for IFieldElementCore elements
Public classFieldList<TField>
Class which is usable as a fields list in entity elements. It's a specialization of the commandified list to add eventhandler logic.
Public classFieldMappedOntoRelatedField
Class which represents a 'Field mapped onto a related field' or 'Forf' in short. A Forf can be mapped onto a field in a related entity (or derived field by that entity) if the mapping entity has a M:1/1:1 relationship with the related entity. Forfs are stored inside the entity instance which defines them.
Public classFieldReferenceList
Class which contains FieldElement instances which are meant as references to fields in the actual core fields list. An example of this is the list of IdentifyingFields in an entity or a Unique Constraint which refers to fields in the list of fields in an EntityBaseElement.
Public classFieldRelationship
Class which represents the relationship between a fieldelement which is seen as the foreign key field and a fieldelement which is seen as the primary key (identifying field) field. A FieldFieldRelationship is tied to the IdentifyingField (pkfield) specified and a normal relationship. If either of these two no longer exists or is no longer valid (field is no longer an identifying field for example) the FieldFieldRelationship instance will mark itself as deleted and will signal observers to threat it as such.
Public classFieldRelationshipList
Class which is usable as a list for FieldRelationship instances. It's a specialization of the commandified list to add eventhandler logic.
Public classForfList
Class which is usable as a list for FieldMappedOntoRelatedField instances. It's a specialization of the commandified list to add eventhandler logic.
Public classGroupableModelElement
Class which contains the definition of a groupable model element.
Public classGroupableModelElementDefinitionList<TElement>
List class for TvfCallDefinition. It's mainly a specialization on the commandified list to channel events.
Public classIdentifyingFieldList
Class for the identifying fields in an entity
Public classIndirectRelationshipEdge
Class which represents an indirect relationship between two entities. An indirect relationship is a relationship of type m:n, which isn't a real directed relationship, but a relationship based on two other relationships: an 1:n relationship between startEntity and intermediate entity and an m:1 relation between intermediate entity and endEntity
Public classInheritanceEdge
Simple specification class which defines an inheritance hierarchy between startnode (subtype) and endnode (supertype), as the edge is a directed edge, from startVertex to endVertex.
Public classInheritanceHierarchiesFinder
Class which finds all inheritance hierarchies and stores them per entity.
Public classInheritanceHierarchiesGraph
Special graph which stores inheritance hierarchies between entities.
Public classInheritanceHierarchyView
Specialized SubGraphView which is capable of adding new vertices/edges if new edges are added to the maingraph
Public classNavigator
Simple class which is used to work with a navigator in special scenarios. Not meant to be used to edit navigator names, as these are stored inside the relationship edge they're defined on. Obtain a Navigator instance by asking the relationship edge to create them.
Public classNormalRelationshipEdge
Class for specifying a direct relation between two entities, which can be of type 1:1, 1:n or m:1.
Public classNormalRelationshipPair
simple class which defines a pair of NormalRelationEdge instances, usually used for defining m:n relations.
Public classRawElementDefinition
Simple class which is used to store raw element definition data
Public classRelatedFieldElement
Class which is used to represent a related field element. A related field element is an IFieldElementCore instance with a normal relationship and a navigator specification. The element itself is immutable (no other elements can be placed inside the instance), the elements inside this element can have their properties changed, which is the reason this class implements INotifyPropertyChanged.
Public classRelationshipEdge
Class which represents a relationship between two entities in the entity graph. The RelationshipType defines how the startVertex is related to the endVertex. It also implies how the endVertex is related to the startVertex, as the relationship has no direction: it's a relationship between the startVertex and the endVertex.
Public classReverseEngineeringService
Class which facilitates reverse engineering of elements from meta-data.
Public classSubHierarchyView
Special kind of inheritance hierarchy view, a view which forms a sub hierarchy inside an inheritance hierarchy view, and where all entities share the same InheritanceHierarchyType and are connected. SubHierarchyView instances are typically created by the InheritanceHierarchiesFinder and aren't kept around as they don't maintain themselves.
Public classTypeShortcut
Simple class which is used to specify shortcuts for .NET types.
Public classTypeShortcutBindingList
Simple binding list for binding TypeShortcut instances to a grid for editing them.
Public classTypeShortcutList
Public classUniqueConstraint
Class which represents a unique constraint in an entity
Public classUniqueConstraintList
Special list for storing unique constraints.
Public classValueTypeDefinition
Class which represents a ValueType definition
Public classValueTypeDefinitionList
List class for valuetypedefinitions. It's mainly a specialization on the commandified list to channel events.