EntityQueryTEntity Methods |
The EntityQueryTEntity generic type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddAsRelation |
Prepares the implementor by converting it to a relation object and adds it to the passed in relationcollection.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
AddFieldToProjectionIfNotPresent |
Adds the field to projection if not present already. Uses field alias checks. If this query is an entity query, it won't add any fields, only
verify whether the field is present.
(Overrides QuerySpecAddFieldToProjectionIfNotPresent(IEntityFieldCore).) | |
AppendToPreparedWhereClauseWithAnd |
Appends the predicate with And to the prepared where clause. Only used for appending additional filters to specified filters.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
AssureAlias |
Assures that the query has a proper alias. This is necessary for derived table generation, as derived tables need an alias.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
CastToTTargetType |
Converts this instance into an EntityQuery<TTargetType>.
| |
CoerceToScalarQuery |
Coerces this query to a scalar query expression
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
ConvertToDynamicRelationOperand |
Converts this instance to a dynamic relation operand.
(Overrides QuerySpecConvertToDynamicRelationOperand(IElementCreatorCore).) | |
CorrelatedOver(IEntityRelation) |
Uses the specified relationship to construct a correlation predicate between this query (where TEntity should be the start entity of the relation
specified) and a parent entity query. This method helps constructing correlation predicates without knowing the FK - PK relationships.
| |
CorrelatedOver(IEntityRelation, String, String) |
Uses the specified relationship to construct a correlation predicate between this query (where TEntity should be the start entity of the relation
specified) and a parent entity query. This method helps constructing correlation predicates without knowing the FK - PK relationships.
| |
DetermineIfDerivedTableIsTargetInFieldCompareSetPredicate |
Determines if the derived table variant of this query is the target when this query is used as the target of a field compare set predicate.
Only true if query is an entity query and entity is an inheritance entity of TargetPerEntity.
(Overrides QuerySpecDetermineIfDerivedTableIsTargetInFieldCompareSetPredicate.) | |
DetermineIfWrappingAsDerivedTableIsRequiredForScalarQuery |
Determines if wrapping as derived table is required for scalar query. This overload looks at the prepared elements, and if a wrapping is required
it will return true, otherwise false.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
DetermineIfWrappingAsDerivedTableIsRequiredForScalarQuery(AggregateFunction) |
Determines if wrapping as derived table is required for scalar query.
(Overrides QuerySpecDetermineIfWrappingAsDerivedTableIsRequiredForScalarQuery(AggregateFunction).) | |
DetermineRealTargetAliasToUse |
Determines the real target alias to use.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
DetermineResultsetType |
Determines the type of the resultset. This type is used to build resultset instances for hierarchy fetches.
(Overrides QuerySpecDetermineResultsetType.) | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Field |
Creates a field which targets the projection of this query. Use this to easily create a derived table targeting field which targets this query.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetAdditionalInfoAsString |
Gets the additional info as string. For ToString().
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
GetAllFieldsFromProjection |
Gets all fields from projection.
(Overrides QuerySpecGetAllFieldsFromProjection.) | |
GetFromAsString |
Gets from as string.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
GetGroupByAsString |
Gets the group by as string.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHavingAsString |
Gets the having as string.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
GetOrderByAsString |
Gets the order by as string.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
GetPrefetchPathAsString |
Gets the prefetch path as string.
(Overrides QuerySpecGetPrefetchPathAsString(Int32).) | |
GetProjectionAsEntityFields |
Gets the projection as EntityFields object
(Overrides QuerySpecGetProjectionAsEntityFields.) | |
GetProjectionAsEntityFields2 |
Gets the projection as EntityFields2 object
(Overrides QuerySpecGetProjectionAsEntityFields2.) | |
GetProjectionAsString |
Gets the projection as string.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
GetQueryParameters |
Gets the query parameters, built from the elements for the query inside this expression
(Overrides QuerySpecGetQueryParameters.) | |
GetReplacementForQueryTarget |
Gets the replacement for query target. By default this is the result of GetThisAsEmptyClone(). It will thrown an exception if
the class isn't an entityquery, unless this method is overriden in a subtype.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
GetThisAsEmptyClone |
Gets the this as empty clone.
(Overrides QuerySpecGetThisAsEmptyClone(String).) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetWhereAsString |
Gets the where as string.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
HandleUnwrapTvfCall |
Handles the unwrap TVF call action.
(Overrides QuerySpecHandleUnwrapTvfCall.) | |
IsEmpty |
Determines whether this instance is empty.
(Overrides QuerySpecIsEmpty(Boolean).) | |
MarkAsNotPrepared |
Makes this query as being not prepared so it will be re-prepared the next time Prepare() is called.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
MarkAsPrepared |
Marks as prepared.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
NotOfEntityTypeTEntityFilter |
Sets the type filter of the query to a negated typefilter of the entity type specified as TEntityFilter. This means that
all entities matching this query of type TEntityFilter or the (indirect) subtypes of TEntityFilter won't be fetched.
| |
OfEntityTypeTEntityFilter |
Sets the type filter of the query to the typefilter of the entity type specified as TEntityFilter. This means that
all entities matching this query will be of type TEntityFilter or any of its (indirect) subtypes.
| |
OnPreparedForExecution |
Called when PrepareForExecution has been completed successfully. Calls the lambda set in OnPrepareForExecutionCallBack, if set.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
Prepare |
Prepares the contents of this query to be executed.
(Overrides QuerySpecPrepare.) | |
PrepareForExecution |
Prepares this query for execution.
(Overrides QuerySpecPrepareForExecution(FunctionMappingStore).) | |
RaiseQueryTargetUsageExceptionIfApplicable |
Raises an exception if a QueryTarget was used in a query type which wasn't suitable for that. By default it does this
(Overrides QuerySpecRaiseQueryTargetUsageExceptionIfApplicable.) | |
ReplacePlaceHolders |
Replaces the EntityQueryPlaceHolder objects with this instance
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
Select(Object) |
Specifies the projection of the query. It clears any existing projection and sets the projection to the one specified.
| |
SelectT(ExpressionFuncT) |
Specifies the projection of the query. It clears any existing projection and sets the projection to the one specified. This variant converts the
specified projectionFunc into the projector lambda to pass to WithProjector and extracts the elements to place in the SQL query's projection from
the projectionFunc. Use this overload to specify a typed resultset.
| |
SetCorrelationPredicate |
Sets the correlation predicate.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
SetTargetAlias |
Sets the target alias.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
TargetAs |
Sets the target alias to the alias specified. By default this alias is the empty string. This alias is a different alias than the alias
set with .As(string), as this alias is the alias on the target table(s), while .As(string) is the alias for the whole query.
| |
ToDerivedTable |
Converts this instance to a derived table definition.
(Overrides QuerySpecToDerivedTable.) | |
ToString |
Returns a String that represents this instance.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
ToString(Int32) |
Returns a String that represents this instance.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
WithPath |
Specifies the prefetch path to use for this query. Prefetch paths are only used when this query is the outer query which is executed.
Name | Description | |
All |
Creates a predicate which has to be true for all elements in query, which is equal to NOT EXISTS(QUERY.Where(NOT predicate))
(Defined by AllAnyPredicateProducers.) | |
Any | Overloaded.
Creates a predicate which has to be true it there's at least one element in query, which is equal to EXISTS(QUERY)
(Defined by AllAnyPredicateProducers.) | |
Any(IPredicate) | Overloaded.
Creates a predicate which has to be true for at least one element in query, which is equal to EXISTS(QUERY.Where(predicate))
(Defined by AllAnyPredicateProducers.) | |
AsTEntity |
Specifies the alias of the query as a whole. To set the alias of the target of the query, use TargetAs(alias).
(Defined by QuerySpecExtensionMethods.) | |
Avg(IEntityFieldCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the field specified with the Avg() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
Avg(IExpression) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the expression specified with the Avg() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
AvgDistinct(IEntityFieldCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the field specified with the Avg(Distinct ) aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
AvgDistinct(IExpression) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the expression specified with the Avg(Distinct ) aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
Contains(IEntityCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a predicate which has to be true if the query contains an entity which has the same PK values as the entityInstance specified
(Defined by ContainsPredicateProducers.) | |
ContainsTEntity(EntityQueryTEntity) | Overloaded.
Creates a predicate which has to be true if the query contains the entities in valueSupplierQuery
(Defined by ContainsPredicateProducers.) | |
Count(IEntityFieldCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the field specified with the Count() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
Count(IExpression) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the expression specified with the Count() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
CountBig(IEntityFieldCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the field specified with the CountBig() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
CountBig(IExpression) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the expression specified with the CountBig() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
CountBigDistinct(IEntityFieldCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the field specified with the CountBig(Distinct ) aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
CountBigDistinct(IExpression) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the expression specified with the CountBig(Distinct ) aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
CountBigRow |
Creates a COUNT_BIG(*) query of the query specified, SQL Server specific
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
CountDistinct(IEntityFieldCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the field specified with the Count(Distinct ) aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
CountDistinct(IExpression) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the expression specified with the Count(Distinct ) aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
CountRow |
Creates a COUNT(*) query of the query specified.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
DistinctT |
Sets the AllowDuplicates flag to false, so the query won't return duplicate rows.
(Defined by QuerySpecExtensionMethods.) | |
ExceptTEntity(IEnumerableTEntity) | Overloaded.
Specifies the where clause of the query by appending a predicate which is true for each entity in query which isn't in the list 'entities'
(Defined by QuerySpecExtensionMethods.) | |
ExceptTEntity(EntityQueryTEntity) | Overloaded.
Specifies the where clause of the query by appending a predicate which is true for each entity in query which isn't in toExclude.
(Defined by QuerySpecExtensionMethods.) | |
ExcludeTEntity |
Specifies the fields to exclude from the query, fetching all other fields not mentioned in the list of fields to exclude.
(Defined by QuerySpecExtensionMethods.) | |
GetFirstTEntity | Overloaded.
Fetches the first entity of the set returned by the query and returns that entity, if any, otherwise null.
(Defined by SelfServicingExtensionMethods.) | |
GetFirstTEntity(ITransaction) | Overloaded.
Fetches the first entity of the set returned by the query and returns that entity, if any, otherwise null.
(Defined by SelfServicingExtensionMethods.) | |
GetFirstAsyncTEntity | Overloaded.
Async variant of GetFirstTEntity(EntityQueryTEntity).
Fetches the first entity of the set returned by the query and returns that entity, if any, otherwise null.
(Defined by AsyncSelfServicingExtensionMethods.) | |
GetFirstAsyncTEntity(CancellationToken) | Overloaded.
Async variant of GetFirstTEntity(EntityQueryTEntity).
Fetches the first entity of the set returned by the query and returns that entity, if any, otherwise null.
(Defined by AsyncSelfServicingExtensionMethods.) | |
GetFirstAsyncTEntity(ITransaction) | Overloaded.
Async variant of GetFirstTEntity(EntityQueryTEntity, ITransaction).
Fetches the first entity of the set returned by the query and returns that entity, if any, otherwise null.
(Defined by AsyncSelfServicingExtensionMethods.) | |
GetFirstAsyncTEntity(ITransaction, CancellationToken) | Overloaded.
Async variant of GetFirstTEntity(EntityQueryTEntity, ITransaction).
Fetches the first entity of the set returned by the query and returns that entity, if any, otherwise null.
(Defined by AsyncSelfServicingExtensionMethods.) | |
GetSingleTEntity | Overloaded.
Fetches the single entity of the set returned by the query and returns that entity. If there are no elements or more than 1 element,
a NotSupportedException will be thrown.
(Defined by SelfServicingExtensionMethods.) | |
GetSingleTEntity(ITransaction) | Overloaded.
Fetches the single entity of the set returned by the query and returns that entity. If there are no elements or more than 1 element,
a NotSupportedException will be thrown.
(Defined by SelfServicingExtensionMethods.) | |
GetSingleAsyncTEntity | Overloaded.
Async variant of GetSingleTEntity(EntityQueryTEntity).
Fetches the single entity of the set returned by the query and returns that entity. If there are no elements or more than 1 element,
a NotSupportedException will be thrown.
(Defined by AsyncSelfServicingExtensionMethods.) | |
GetSingleAsyncTEntity(CancellationToken) | Overloaded.
Async variant of GetSingleTEntity(EntityQueryTEntity).
Fetches the single entity of the set returned by the query and returns that entity. If there are no elements or more than 1 element,
a NotSupportedException will be thrown.
(Defined by AsyncSelfServicingExtensionMethods.) | |
GetSingleAsyncTEntity(ITransaction) | Overloaded.
Async variant of GetSingleTEntity(EntityQueryTEntity, ITransaction).
Fetches the single entity of the set returned by the query and returns that entity. If there are no elements or more than 1 element,
a NotSupportedException will be thrown.
(Defined by AsyncSelfServicingExtensionMethods.) | |
GetSingleAsyncTEntity(ITransaction, CancellationToken) | Overloaded.
Async variant of GetSingleTEntity(EntityQueryTEntity, ITransaction).
Fetches the single entity of the set returned by the query and returns that entity. If there are no elements or more than 1 element,
a NotSupportedException will be thrown.
(Defined by AsyncSelfServicingExtensionMethods.) | |
IncludeTEntity |
Specifies tht fields to include in the query, excluding all other fields not necessary for the fetch.
(Defined by QuerySpecExtensionMethods.) | |
IntersectTEntity(IEnumerableTEntity) | Overloaded.
Specifies the where clause of the query by appending a predicate which is true for each entity in query which is also in the list 'entities'
(Defined by QuerySpecExtensionMethods.) | |
IntersectTEntity(EntityQueryTEntity) | Overloaded.
Specifies the where clause of the query by appending a predicate which is true for each entity in query which is also in toInclude.
(Defined by QuerySpecExtensionMethods.) | |
Max(IEntityFieldCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the field specified with the Max() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
Max(IExpression) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the expression specified with the Max() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
Min(IEntityFieldCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the field specified with the Min() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
Min(IExpression) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the expression specified with the Min() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
StDev(IEntityFieldCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the field specified with the StDev() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
StDev(IExpression) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the expression specified with the StDev() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
StDevDistinct(IEntityFieldCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the field specified with the StDev(Distinct ) aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
StDevDistinct(IExpression) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the expression specified with the StDev(Distinct ) aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
Sum(IEntityFieldCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the field specified with the Sum() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
Sum(IExpression) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the expression specified with the Sum() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
SumDistinct(IEntityFieldCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the field specified with the Sum(Distinct ) aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
SumDistinct(IExpression) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the expression specified with the Sum(Distinct ) aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
ToResultsetT |
Placeholder method which is used in a Select(lambda func) projection inside the lambda to specify the type of the resultset of the passed in query.
(Defined by QuerySpecExtensionMethods.) | |
ToScalar | Overloaded.
Converts the specified query to a scalar query, without enforcing a row limit.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
ToScalar(Boolean) | Overloaded.
Converts the specified query to a scalar query.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
ToSingleResultT |
Placeholder method which is used in a Select(lambda func) projection inside the lambda to specify the type of the single result of the passed in query.
(Defined by QuerySpecExtensionMethods.) | |
Variance(IEntityFieldCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the field specified with the Variance() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
Variance(IExpression) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the expression specified with the Variance() aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
VarianceDistinct(IEntityFieldCore) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the field specified with the Variance(Distinct ) aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) | |
VarianceDistinct(IExpression) | Overloaded.
Creates a scalar query over the specified query and aggregates the expression specified with the Variance(Distinct ) aggregate function.
(Defined by ScalarQueryProducers.) |
Name | Description | |
IJoinOperandConvertToDynamicRelationOperand |
Converts this instance to a dynamic relation operand.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
IJoinOperandPrepare |
Prepares the implementor by converting it to a relation object and adds it to the passed in relationcollection.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) | |
IJoinOperandUnwrapTvfCall |
If this element is a tvf call container, and it's empty except for the tvf call, it will return the tvfcall it wraps,
otherwise it will return itself.
(Inherited from QuerySpec.) |