SD.LLBLGen.Pro.QuerySpec Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AggregateRelatedExtensionMethods |
Extension methods for field / expression which assign an aggregate function on the field / expression.
| |
AliasFinder |
Class which is used to find all aliases in the objects to traverse. This is used to obtain all sources for a query for example.
| |
AllAnyPredicateProducers |
Extension methods to produce All/Any based predicates (NOT EXISTS, EXISTS).
| |
ArrayFunctions |
Class which defines the function mappings for Array
| |
BetweenPredicateProducers |
Extension methods to produce between comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
| |
BooleanFunctions |
Class which defines the function mappings for booleans
| |
ContainsPredicateProducers |
Extension methods to produce Contains based predicates (EXISTS, IN..).
| |
ConvertFunctions |
Class which defines the function mappings for Convert methods
| |
CrossJoin |
Class which defines a cross join.
| |
DataProjectorToObjectListT |
Custom projector class which is used to create the final results of a projection using a delegate. THe projection is done using a compiled lambda.
| |
DateTimeFunctions |
Class which defines the function mappings for DateTime
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DecimalFunctions |
Class which defines the function mappings for Decimal
| |
DynamicQuery |
Dynamic query, for fetching a custom projection of entity data.
| |
DynamicQueryT |
Generic variant of DynamicQuery, created using the method DynamicQuery.WithProjector(), which defines a typed projector for the DynamicQuery class, or
by using DynamicQuery.Select(lambda) or EntityQuery(Of T).Select(lambda).
| |
EntityNamePlaceHolder |
Simple placeholder which is the result of a QueryTarget usage in a prefetch path element's WithJoins() method. This placeholder
will be used to produce an entity name to be used for formulating a dynamic relation without a creator.
| |
EntityQueryTEntity |
Entity query definition. Used to specify a query for fetching entities.
| |
EntityRelationBasedJoin |
Class which defines a join specified by an EntityRelation object.
| |
EqualOpPredicateProducers |
Extension methods to produce equality comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
| |
ExpressionDefinition |
Simple class which wraps an Expression object to be able to specify alias and type
| |
ExpressionExtensionMethods |
Extension methods defined for IExpression.
| |
FieldExtensionMethods |
Class which defines extension methods defined on IEntityFieldCore implementing classes.
| |
FullEntityName |
Simple class which defines the full name of an entity, used in join preparation.
| |
FullProjectionPlaceHolder |
Placeholder for the Projection.Full specification, so a Select() can deal with this.
| |
FunctionMappingExpression |
Class which acts as a placeholder for a function call, and is replaced before execution with the real function call. It stores data which is
used to lookup a function mapping in a FunctionMappingStore, which mechanism is also shared with the Linq provider.
| |
FunctionMappingExpressionReplacer |
Replaces the FunctionMappingExpression instances found in the elements to traverse with the DbFunctionCall equivalent.
| |
FunctionMappingExtensionMethods |
Extension methods on IEntityFieldCore and IExpression for
| |
Functions |
Helper class to specify function calls into the query fragments.
| |
GenericExpressionHandler |
Generic class for the expression handlers.
| |
GreaterEqualOpPredicateProducers |
Extension methods to produce greater or equal comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
| |
GreaterThanOpPredicateProducers |
Extension methods to produce greater than comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
| |
GroupingTKey, TElement |
Class which implements the IGrouping interface to return grouped results in a query
| |
HybridJoin |
A hybrid join is a join between an IJoinOperand and an EntityRelationBasedJoin. The IJoinOperand can be a JoinClauseBase derived join
or another element. The join operator is specified in the right operand (EntityRelationBasedJoin).
| |
InnerOuterJoin |
Class which defines a join of type INNER, LEFT or RIGHT.
| |
InPredicateProducers |
Extension methods to produce IN based predicates (field IN (set/range/query)) for field or expression.
| |
IsNullPredicateProducers |
Extension methods to produce IS Null comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
| |
JoinClauseBase |
Base class for classes which define a join.
| |
JoinOperandExtensionMethods |
Class which defines extension methods for IJoinOperand implementing types to formulate joins between various elements.
| |
Joins |
Helper class which can create inner/left/right/cross joins based on EntityRelation objects.
| |
LesserEqualOpPredicateProducers |
Extension methods to produce lesser or equal comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
| |
LesserThanOpPredicateProducers |
Extension methods to produce lesser than comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
| |
MathFunctions |
Class which defines the function mappings for the Math class
| |
NestedQuerySpecification |
Simple class which contains a nested query specification inside a projection
| |
NotEqualOpPredicateProducers |
Extension methods to produce negated equality (not equal) comparison predicates. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
| |
NullAwareDataValueProjector |
Specific DataValueProjector, which converts DBNull.Value values from the db to null.
| |
PredicateExtensionMethods |
Extension methods defined for IPredicate implementing classes.
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PrefetchPathExtensionMethods |
Extension methods for PrefetchPath related elements.
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Projection |
Class which defines the projection of a DynamicQuery
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ProjectionLambdaCreator |
Helper class which creates a projection lambda to be used with Select from a type and an IEntityFieldsCore object.
| |
ProjectionLambdaTransformer |
Visitor, which transforms a passed in lambda into a proper projector lambda for WithProjector and extracts the elements to pass to Select(params object[]).
Uses a caching mechanism which caches the compiled result of a lambda based on the string representation of the lambda. This can increase performance.
The caching is tweakable and can be switched off. (See static members of this class). If a lambda contains a constant expression, the lambda isn't cached
to avoid caching a lambda referencing a local variable and keeping the object containing the local variable into memory.
| |
QuerySpec |
Abstract base class for all query specification classes.
| |
QuerySpecExtensionMethods |
Extension ethods defined on QuerySpec and derived classes.
| |
QuerySpecPlaceHolder |
Simple placeholder which is inserted by QueryTarget's join methods and is replaced by a real EntityQuery when the joins are prepared.
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QueryTarget |
Placeholder class to specify a join in From() calls on an EntityQuery.
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ScalarQueryExtensionMethods |
Extension methods for the ScalarQueryExpression class.
| |
ScalarQueryProducers |
Class with extension methods to produce scalar queries from normal queryspec queries.
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SortClauseProducers |
Class which contains extension methods to produce sort clauses on fields / expressions.
| |
StringFunctions |
Class which defines the function mappings for String
| |
StringMethodPredicateProducers |
Extension methods to produce Like predicates for string fields/expressions. Defined for various source elements, like fields, expressions...
| |
Textualizer |
Converts the visited element into a string representation of that element.
| |
TvfCallWrapper |
Simple wrapper class to be able to use a tablevalued function call as a join operand.
Interface | Description | |
IDynamicQuery |
Simple interface for accessing a DynamicQuery object's internal elements for further manipulation (in case of objects) or analysis.
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IEntityQuery |
Simple interface for accessing a generic EntityQuery object's internal elements for further manipulation (in case of objects) or analysis.
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IJoinOperand |
Interface which defines an operand which can participate in a join definition (as left or right side).
| |
IQuerySpec |
Simple interface for accessing a QuerySpec object's internal elements for further manipulation (in case of objects) or analysis.
Delegate | Description | |
CorrelationFilterFunc |
Delegate which is used to compile an in-memory lambda to which is used to compare parent rows with child rows in nested-query executions.
The lambda looks like:
(parentValues, childValues) => FieldUtilities.ValuesAreEqual(parentValues[parentFieldIndex], childValues[childFieldIndex]);
| |
ObjectCreatorFuncTObject |
Delegate which is used to create new instances of an object based on a type, and which is much faster than Activator.CreateInstance
| |
ProjectionRowDelegateT |
Delegate which is used in WithProjector methods to define the projector delegate.