Root Derived Element Editor
The Root Derived Element Editor is the editor which allows you to alter any aspect of a root derived element and any of its embedded derived elements.
You open a Root Derived Element in its editor by selecting it in the Project Explorer and then right-clicking it and selecting 'Edit...', or by
pressing Ctrl-Shift-O
The Root Derived Element Editor consists of the following main parts:
- Element Layout tab
- This tab contains two panes, the Derived Element Sub-Element selection pane, and the Derived Element Shape Editor.
- Code generation info tab
- This tab contains the information and editors for the code generation related data of the root derived element and its containing elements, including embedded derived elements.
At the top of the Root Derived Element Editor, you'll find the following editor elements
- Derived Element Name
- The name of the Root Derived Element
- Root Entity
- The name of the entity the Root Derived Element is derived from
- Containing Model
- The Derived Model the Derived Element is part of.
All elements have lookup buttons to look them up in the Project Explorer.
The General Entity Editor
The designer also offers a General Root Derived Element Editor. This is a special
kind of root derived element editor which allows you to edit the root derived element which is
currently selected in the project explorer. This editor is opened by
selecting Project -> General Derived Element Editor in the menu, or by
clicking the button in the toolbar.
The advantage of the General Root Derived Element Editor is that it keeps the current sub tab selected when you select another Root Derived Element in the project explorer, which allows you to e.g. edit the code generation info of several root derived elements without a lot of clicking through tabs.